MovieChat Forums > American Me (1992) Discussion > Why Did Little Puppet...

Why Did Little Puppet...

want to quit La Eme?

"I have to be horrible at everything. Or else it just wouldn't be me."- Ryan Dunn


Good Question. I don't know the answer for sure, but I'd like to take a stab at it.

As the story goes, little puppet was one of the best tattoo artists in his varrio, and probably had a future related to that skill as an artist.

Once he got shanked in his hand during that hit on El Choco Pena in prison, he lost his ability to draw. Once he got married, he must have realized that one of his life's dreams of being an artist was gone, and that by staying in the Eme, his other dream of moving to Bakersfield with his new wife and having kids, would also possibly not happen. Hence why he wanted to get out.

Just a theory.


He got married. And he had hopes for a family. Plus he learned his lesson in the joint, I guess, like how he was giving a drunken "Scared Straight" talk to the youngsters at his wedding. Haha.

So yeah. He wanted to leave it behind. Poor guy. I felt bad when he died.


sesamestreet...little puppet got killed over a number of things. First, you can never leave "La M". You become a liability. Think about it, Little Puppet new the boss, captains, soldiers, past or future assasinations, all vital information to a rival gang, correctional officers, etc. Also, many in "La M" felt that it was his fault that Santana got arrested again. But mostly his arrogance, by talking outloud about leaving, put his name on the list. This showed great disrespect to the organization.

Puppet got chosen because he could get to little puppet the closest. And puppet wasn't so much afraid of his own life but more about what would happen to his mom, dad, sister-in law, and unborn nephew if he didn't. That was what was unsaid when the No. 3 guy gave puppet those pictures.
