MovieChat Forums > AlienĀ³ (1992) Discussion > Wouldn't a fire on the Sulaco...?

Wouldn't a fire on the Sulaco...?

...cause the stasis pods to open and wake the crew up? Seems like kind of a bad design for the Colonial Marines to make their starships just chuck everyone out at the first sign of trouble.


One of the many things that didn't make sense in this film.

For within each death there is always a new life, a new beginning - Dillon, Alien 3


Actually it did make sense.
The computer states that there is a fire in the stasis compartment. Why would it wake the crew (which takes time as we've seen) and open the tubes in an area where there would be flames (kills in minutes) and toxic fumes (kills in seconds).
The obvious thing to do is eject the tubes in an EEV.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


It is kind of a bad design... I mean unless the ship was beyond salvage and unable to continue to return the crew back to its destination, it should have opened the affected compartments to space while the crew were safe in their cryopods, let the fire starve of oxygen, close the bulkheads and continue its journey while sending a distress beacon alerting ships in the possible vicinity for help just in case.

Dumping the crew in deep space and continuing on its journey just seems pointless when simply venting the fire and keeping the crew safely in the ship seems like such a better option, then of course we wouldn't have a movie-so...nevermind simple logic, common sense seems to be the bane of a lot of sequels since one little thing can render them unnecessary/Non sequitur.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


The novelisation explains it better.
The fire is caused by acid from the face hugger melting the floor in the cryosleep department and melting the electrics. Part of the electrics destroyed is the sprinkler system. Or if you like the fire fighting system

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Never read the Novelization, heard Alan Dean Foster hated the movie so much he refused to ever write another. I would have liked to see the EEV's launch and one head back to the SULACO and crash into it causing major damage... Anything to get a better view of the SULACO just one more time. Anyhoo, I still think a sprinkler system on a Starship is a bad idea considering all the electronics, pneumatics, etc. An Emergency Venting or Halon System seems more practical IMO, just sayin'.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Tbh, it probably was a halon system. The fire fighting capabilities were disabled is what I was getting at.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Right, I figured it out later when I reread your post about the electronics shorting out from the facehuggers acid. I guess nothing would'a worked at that point...My bad.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


No probs


It's all a bit coincidental tho aint it 1st we have the mystery egg , then the acid burns through the "fire fighting" electrics so no sprinklers then the EEV crash lands with no explanation as to why another thing that bugs me is wouldn't a cryo tube with a hole big enough to fit a face hugger through not work properly? Wouldn't the occupant wake up ? And see the gaping hole in front of them ? It makes me wonder how long after a hugger has detatched does the victim wake up?


as to why another thing that bugs me is wouldn't a cryo tube with a hole big enough to fit a face hugger through not work properly? Wouldn't the occupant wake up ?

No, it probably wouldn't work properly.
It makes me wonder how long after a hugger has detatched does the victim wake up?

Well how long after the facehugger detatched itself did Kane finally wake up?

The greatest trick the Devil played was convincing people he didn't exist.....


The obvious thing to do is vent the compartment to space and thereby remove the oxygen. Bingo, no fire.

The next obvious thing to do is activate the fire suppression system so as to fill the compartment with inert gas. A military ship would have some such system; office blocks and commercial ships do so today.

The next most obvious thing would be to detach the hypersleep chamber to a short distance away and continue the journey to earth like a lifeboat tethered to a liner.

Only if for some reason none of the above were possible would it make any sense to ditch the hypersleep pod onto a very convenient nearby planet that very conveniently is inhabited. Of all the points in space you might be at when you need to abandon ship, imagine how lucky it was to be just passing a planet at the time!


The obvious thing to do is vent the compartment to space and thereby remove the oxygen. Bingo, no fire.

The fire fighting capabilities were rendered useless by the very thing that started the fire
The next obvious thing to do is activate the fire suppression system so as to fill the compartment with inert gas. A military ship would have some such system; office blocks and commercial ships do so today.

The fire fighting capabilities were rendered useless by the very thing that started the fire.
The next most obvious thing would be to detach the hypersleep chamber to a short distance away and continue the journey to earth like a lifeboat tethered to a liner.

A good idea......unless of course the ship was to explode
Only if for some reason none of the above were possible would it make any sense to ditch the hypersleep pod onto a very convenient nearby planet that very conveniently is inhabited. Of all the points in space you might be at when you need to abandon ship, imagine how lucky it was to be just passing a planet at the time!

Perhaps a tad more attention from you is required here. The EEV homed in on the nearest inhabited planet. Surely on its' way back from an inhabited colony, the Sulaco would be passing in the general direction of other inhabited colonies?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


The fire fighting capabilities were rendered useless by the very thing that started the fire

How convenient! The fire-fighting capabilities are disabled by fire!

The EEV homed in on the nearest inhabited planet. Surely on its' way back from an inhabited colony, the Sulaco would be passing in the general direction of other inhabited colonies?

Not really. How near to Earth is the nearest habitable planet? Er, that would be an interstellar distance away.


The fire fighting capabilities were rendered useless by the very thing that started the fire

How convenient! The fire-fighting capabilities are disabled by fire!

Well, not really convenient is it? More like bad luck. A bit like Ripley managing to drift right through the core systems in Aliens and being lost for 57 years.
The EEV homed in on the nearest inhabited planet. Surely on its' way back from an inhabited colony, the Sulaco would be passing in the general direction of other inhabited colonies?

Not really. How near to Earth is the nearest habitable planet? Er, that would be an interstellar distance away.

Well Thedus (where the Nostromo got its' payload in the original movie) was even further away) so why wouldn't there be colonies closer to Earth? Furthermore, the company was in to terraforming, no need to look for a habitable planet is there. Just terraform a backwater *beep* hole and put a penal colony there.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


No this is one of those things about Alien 3 that is stupid.

A military vessel have all important saftey systems under the floor of the cryo chamber? A small patch of acid in a huge ship can destroy its capacity to put out a fire? This is the future right? Fire dies without oxygen. The pods are sealed soo...just suck out oxygen from the room. Or use backup sprinkler systems. A military vessel should be build around the assumption is can be damaged at some Point and have lots of backup systems. To just eject them into space and having the EEV fall like a rock on the planet like that was madness. Better to float above the planet in orbit. The novel explain this but the Movie dont. We can and should judge the Movie on its own terms...and they dont make sence.


Well put. Agree with all that.

At the end of Aliens the derelict is certainly still there. If anyone wanted another egg, that's where you'd go.


Actually, why would there be a need to have oxygen outside of the stasis pods in the first place? A fire wouldn't be able to spread, hence no action needed.
