MovieChat Forums > AlienĀ³ (1992) Discussion > Summarization post: Strengths and weakne...

Summarization post: Strengths and weaknesses of Aliens and Alien 3

I try to maintain objectivity, but sure, there'll be small bits of subjectivity

The Good:
-Superior craftsmanship in the movie making process.
-Excellent set of characters (I make exceptions for Newt but some people like her)
-Great chemistry between all the actors.
-The characters are smart and don't often make typical dumb mistakes.
-Expertly written script and story and plot set up (stuff like Hicks giving Ripley the tracker which sets her up for later scenes)
-Amazing props and sets and special effects.
-Great sense of humor. (Have you ever been mistaken for a man?)
-Builds onto the mythos of how the Alien creature works. Introduction of the queen that lays the eggs (Originally in the deleted scenes of Alien it seems that they had something else in mind, and that the alien drone converts organic matter such as remains of humans into eggs or something like that).
-Invented the modern space marine in style, attitude, and gear, as well as environments and enemies. It has been mimicked many times.
-Amazing soundtrack by James Horner (R.I.P.)
-Extraordinarily good cinematography and sound mixing.
-Perfectly paced, constant tension and claustrophobia.
-A sequel done perfectly. It feels very familiar but as a movie it's all new, all changed, stands on its own legs, and doesn't rely on the quality of its predecessor to shine.
-Overall an all time classic of a movie.

The Bad:
-Just nitpicking, a little convenient Ripley is found around the exact time another alien breakout happen, after 60 years of nothing, 20 of those years having been colonization of LV-426.
-More nitpicking, it seems ever so slightly forced that they would want Ripley there again as an adviser and offer her privileges if she does...
-Newt's acting is weak.
-It's the most predictable and by the books Alien movie in terms of who lives and who dies (Bishop's the exception). Even the fourth alien movie has some unpredictable survivalists.
-There's barely any blood in the movie. It's the least gory Alien movie. I'm not saying it has to be a splatter fest but most characters die a very PG-13 death, off screen, or without gore. We don't even get to see the second tongue puncture Burke's skull.
-Hudson dies :(

Alien 3:
The Bad:
-It'll make you a bit sad because it ruthlessly offs all the characters you love from Alien, Aliens, and even Alien 3 (like Clemens and Dillon)
-The puppet alien effect looks pretty crappy but I guess it can sort of grow on you if you grew up watching it as a kid.
-Had huge problems in the movie making process and it sometimes shows, or at least if you studied it, you know where it will show.
-A bit too much repetitive hallway running in the climax.
-Characters make typical dumb mistakes, and some characters behave idiotically at times. (Crazy guy lets the alien out. 85 is so close to surviving but decides to attack armed guards and gets gunned down.)
-The superior extended cut for some reason omits a couple of very good parts that were in the theatrical - the horrifying alien hatching from a dog scene, and the shot of the alien queen chestburster coming out of Ripley's chest.

The Good:
-The exact right amount of gore and blood spatter for an Alien movie.
-As unpredictable as Game of Thrones with how it treats its characters.
-Excellent set up and back to basics with the claustrophobia of being trapped with one alien when you don't have any proper weapons to fight it. All while giving you a fresh take on it.
-Manages to be totally different from the first two installments. Compare to how Terminator 3 felt the need to rip off scenes and concepts from Terminator 2 because it didn't really have anything unique of its own. Alien 3 doesn't imitate others to stand on its own as a movie.
-Ripley has very interesting growth as a character in this and tough looks real good on her.
-Gives the beloved character of Ripley the proper farewell she deserves, if she is ever to die as a character. Her death scene could not have been better.
-Amazing soundtrack by Elliot Goldenthal.
-Great sense of humor which works thanks to an excellent cast with a lot of good chemistry between them. Although there's so many characters that it's certainly not a hundred percent, but the better characters enjoy a lot of fun exchanges.
-Innovative with little details such as introducing a new brand of Xenomorph, one that came from a dog (or cow, depending on which version you watch). Also how the alien will not attack those who have been impregnated. It explores fun and nifty little concepts like that, things that a lot of people wouldn't really think about.
-Overall, it's a competently made film but that got a bit busted up, so some things come across as crappy and dated, like some of its failed special effects. Its movie making, cinematography.


a little convenient Ripley is found around the exact time another alien breakout happen

The breakout happened because she was found. She related what had happened and Burke sent the colonists out to investigate without even warning them.

it seems ever so slightly forced that they would want Ripley there again as an adviser

So she could be blamed, like she was for the loss of Nostromo.


-The superior extended cut for some reason omits a couple of very good parts that were in the theatrical - the horrifying alien hatching from a dog scene, and the shot of the alien queen chestburster coming out of Ripley's chest.

Just wanted to clear up, one of the main purposes of the Assembly Cut was to utilize any available unused or deleted scenes & alternate takes where possible. I agree with you that those 2 particular scenes from the Theatrical Cut were superior to those in the Assembly Cut, but its a matter of opinion that varies from one fan to another. IMO, those 2 scenes replacing the alternate takes in the Assembly Cut would be my ultimate version of the film (while we're at it, new audio scores for the added scenes, instead of reusing or stretching out already used tracks). I'm kind of torn between the beginning scenes of Clemens walking the beach & finding Ripley, & that of Frank/Rains/Murphy popping open the EEV & discovering the occupants' fates. Not to mention the scenes afterwards of the EEV being towed off while Spike comes in contact with the facehugger, & the twin suns setting over the horizon.


I have to disagree. While the dog scene is indeed stronger and more emotional (and better executed) than the ox, Ripley's death is way more powerful without the chestburster. When Bishop offers to remove it from Ripley, she now has an actual choice. She really can have a life. In the theatrical cut it didn't matter whether she accepted his offer or not, because the queen was ready to burst out anyway. It wasn't a real choice. In the assembly cut it is and it makes Ripley's sacrifice all the more powerful to me. The chestburster shot is also terribly cheesy. Apparently Ripley suffers no convulsions, no pain and agony. She just gently grabs the creature and caresses it to her chest. Totally unrealistic compared to what's been established previously.


I understand your reasons for preferring the ending w/o the chestburster, especially being able to keep hold of it after such a traumatic & forceful injury. I always felt the chestburster was not long off either way (maybe 5 minutes), & I seriously doubt the last thing on the Company's mind at any point in time would be Ripley's well being or any guarantees they gave her. Bishop basically confirms obtaining an alien is his only priority after she refuses his offer. He pleads with her to let him have it, not to destroy it &/or save her life. So IMO the choice she had before her was an empty one. Not to mention can you imagine Ripley accepting anything from the company at this point? They've screwed her over at every turn.

Also the ending w/o it just seems so... anti-climactic. It's like you're waiting for this thing to go down the last hour of the movie, & then nothing happens. I like it b/c it shows she made the right choice - not only considering Bishop's reactions after her refusal, but also with how suddenly the chestburster emerges. So in this way she remains victorious at handing out one final *beep* you to the company & alien (a common theme in the series) while going out her way. The alternate take leaves her decision in doubt.
