Why the hate?

I just watched the 'Assembly cut' of A3 on blu ray earlier and it's a far better movie than the theatrical version in that the characters, (played by a fantastic British ensemble cast i might add), are given attention and development so naturally are more effecting due to the events of the film.

Anyway, this version reminded me of how underrated the film actually is... I can understand how the tragic deaths of Newt and Hicks were depressing to the fans of Aliens; understandably, but hey, did anyone actually watch "Alien" 1979? Almost all the characters on the Nostromo become unlikable by the time the creature takes it's first prey. We see the darkest side to their natures surface in survival mode. They're human: They fight, *beep* each other over, and everybody dies horribly besides Ripley and Jonesy. Is that not depressing? I love "Aliens," don't get me wrong, it's one of the most entertaining action movies and best sequels of all time; but it's roots were in space HORROR, therefore Alien 3 is more in line with the cruel and chaotic universe of the first film. James Cameron's sweet hollywood resolution "on Earth" ceases to be, and that's refreshing and brave when you think about it. And this cut should of been shown in theaters.

David Fincher's gone on record stating he "Hates" this movie. And "more than anyone else." Because he preferred Cameron's vision? Or because of the rough production and script re-writes? Or because he felt the stigma on his head for not pandering to the Aliens fan base? Or all the above? Amazingly, for a first feature, and one he despised, he does an illustrious job with photographing and directing the film (a perfect what's-to-come staple in his supreme talent if you ask me.)
It isn't as if the script is lacking in depth either...

The prisoners are lifers holding onto the only slither of 'humanity' they can achieve: that through religion. They are murderers, child molesters, thieves etc - and through fighting the creature with zero artillery and almost zero comradeship in an unlikely alliance to Ripley, they sort of redeem themselves. Ripley's only mission now is in avenging the dead by wiping out the creatures lineage for good and make sure the Weyland Company fail in ever obtaining the specimen. And she does... in a poetic ending she sacrifices herself. It's an honorable finale to the unwavering bravery of this amazing character. And most importantly: a big *beep* YOU to the Company.
I still prefer to watch the first 2 films, because A3 is bogged down in a dreary atmosphere and some murky scenes. But the film, (the Assembly cut at least), is logically a far better resolution to the franchise than most realize.
And let's just ignore the dire Alien Resurrection...that is the sequel that's best left forgotten.


People hate it because it sucks.

Yes, the assembly cut is better. It's still not good.

Theatrical cut: Terrible.
Assembly cut: Just bad.

It's a lot like the Mass Effect 3 ending in that regard. Sure, the extended cut made it better... but it still sucks.

Never trust a black man named "Chip."


No. Some people hate it because it isn't what THEY wanted.
YOU don't like it, fair enough. It's a matter of taste isn't it? I personally don't like the Deer Hunter. Does that make it a steaming pile of crap?
Only to me.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Here, here wears-a, THAT'S telling it like it is. While there are those who cannot appreciate the film because it doesn't suit the direction it took the story, their opinions are fine and they entitled to them. I and a growing throng of ALIEN fans however find it has many redeeming Concepts and brave/daring risk taking in concluding Ripley's story in such a (what seemed) inescapable end.

This being Science Fiction, 20th Century Fox couldn't resist the money of course and felt that without $igourney Weaver and a cooked up revival cobbling, made a film IMO that did not share the tone, production design, or EFX(The Aliens looked like huge alligator roaches) that the previous films shared...I mean, at least Fincher gave Fury 161 a foreboding nihilistic ambiance. Alien 3 also gave us a deeper look at the Company with Bishops creator, the WY Commandos(the Company's own Corporate Military) and the Specimen Capture Team.

This Film added more to the Universe, and didn't embarrass itself trying to squeeze into the Story(IMO).

Wake up, Time to DIE.


The only thing that really bothered me about this movie when it came out was that I knew at least half an hour had been chopped from it. Straight away the movie seemed to be missing something. I saw the trailer with Clemens carrying Ripley from the beach and wondered where that bit was. Also I wondered where Golic had gone. I bought the novelisation and straight away thought why the hell did they cut out the bit where they capture the Alien? It at least tells us what happened to Golic. So after years of promises of an extended cut, I was pleased to see the Assembly Cut when it was released in 2003. My tastes for these movies have changed over the years. Aliens was always my favourite, but nowadays it is the original Alien, followed by (joint second) Aliens and Alien 3. Resurrection next. I don't mind it and take it as it is. I also like AVP and AVPr. They're not great, but like Ressurection are entertaining to me.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


I hear what you're saying(seeing Aliens in just about anything is entertaining) and I get what you mean about that fandom feeling. I too loved seeing more of the Exterior of Fury 161 with it's primal ocean, the EEV and the oxen towing it across the shore. The inmates puzzled discovery of the queenhugger and Golics insane antics and demise. The extended WY Bishop creator and Capture Team scenes.

I will say this, the Aliens in AvP look a hell of a lot better(to me) than ALIEN:RESSURECTION...I don't know what it is, but in A:R they look like slimy black rubber with minimal detail IMO not to mention their hands and feet didn't appeal to me-don't get me started on their crocodile tails...but hey, whoever likes that design, I'm not saying my opinion is just that, and even to those who want to include AvP & AvPR as canon(I don't mean you wears-a, just people in general) it's none of my business.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Yeah, not so much canon, but entertainment. I was always a fan of the Dark Horse comics with the AVP stories.
Incidently, the ocean scenes on Fury 161 were shot about 30 miles from where I live. It doesn't look to pleasing in daytime either. A bit bleak, but then that's what they were going for.

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Oh man, DARK HORSE ALIENS COMIC's were my ONLY ALIEN's fix I could find in the late 80's early 90's-from about 91' was my last issue before A3. I still have one raggedy/degraded issue left! I remember that's were I found an ad for a Back Issue of CINEFANTASTIQUE that was all about the making of A L I E N that had one of Gigers paintings of the Alien on the cover...I still have it too in good condition.

That's fascinating about you living within range of the FURY Ocean scenes, that place looked so desolate/ lifeless...I'm betting it's probably cold as hell there most of the year too.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


This is it in summer.




So it has good days and bad.

As for the Dark Horse Comics I've still got loads of them. I like to breeze through them now and then.

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Those are cool pics of the movies choice for On-Location Shooting, you can definitely see FURY there with some Movie-Making Magic. The second picture with the huge monolithic rock formation looks like the EEV sticking out of the beach's surface. I could stand on that shoreline and make a mental picture of huge cranes in every direction for miles on the horizon...that'd be something.

If I were able, I'd definitely go there on a lonely dusky afternoon with a laptop with a BluRay player and watch the opening scenes on loop just to get a feeling of what 'being' there to some small degree I'm such an ALIEN Junky-lol! I wish I'd taken better care of My Comics, but after building up such a stockpile of Aliens related collectables and Merchandise they just got lost in the flotsam...That CINEFANTASTIQUE Issue however managed to survive the barrage in great condition.

It was my A L I E N Bible due to the On-Set pictures, EFX Coverage, O'Bannon's First Draft Concept Script, R.Cobbs-C.Foss and Gigers Concept Art, and Cast & Crew Interviews...it was my go-to A L I E N Dictionary/Encyclopedia!

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Oh you wanted cranes too. Here you go.

Have you got Gigers Alien? http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91LyY50Wh%2BL.jpg

Now that is jam packed with info.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Heh, cool man, that just adds more fire to my imagination! Yeah, I bought Gigers ALIEN long ago from Morpheus books tons of beautifully nightmarish imagery in there and a cool FOREWORD from Timothy Leary. It and My CINEFANTASTIQUE Issue go hand in hand for me when I feel like returning to that Universe. I also have ALIEN THE ARCHIVE: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE CLASSIC MOVIES, ALIEN: VAULT and tons of CFQ, STARLOG, EMPIRE, and FANGORIA Mags(along with more I can't all quite recall) that have coverage of the Alien films. I'm a TOTAL JUNKY to this Universe!

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Somebody on here a while back was asking if anyone had the box set (VHS) Alien Trilogy as they were after it. I posted details of an ebay auction for them. Unfortunately they missed out.
Have you got that?
If you have, you might have heard of Alien:War. It was an interactive experience in London about 20 years ago. Now that was a must for all Alien fans.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


No, I never managed to snag a set, if I remember correctly this was when A3 was just being released on Home Video and it came in a cool collectible that held all three tapes. At the time it was too expensive and limited in quantity so I could never save up enough to buy it while still available as it sold out quickly in my area. That was a major bummer, I recall...

Even though I missed out on it, I still heard about ALIEN:WAR! It was in all the major genre magazines I mentioned in my other posts(hell, I bet I could find an article in some of my old issues if I looked!) and showed the Authentic-looking Marines in their fatigues and armor, the detailed maze dressed in Colony style hallways that you searched through and the great looking Aliens suits they wore.

As I recall, after you finished your adventure, they had an ALIENS Prop Display where you could see screen used M41's, Helmet-Cams, Smart Gun, Welder, various miscellaneous movie props and a full Screen-Used ALIENS Suit behind a protective bar. To me, it was HEAVEN!, and I was solo jealous you guys in the U.K. had that, and their was NO WAY I could go over there and experience that at that time in my life...It was like being teased over something you felt could ONLY exist on-screen, yet here it was made real...tangible, but my hand just couldn't reach it!

Wake up, Time to DIE.


You went in a group of 10. You were left in a holding area to await escort through the complex and were told that they had xeno's in captivity. Suddenly an alarm goes off and a Colonial Marine bursts through some doors. They tell you that the xeno's have escaped and the only way out is through the colony. I started off thinking 'yeah right, whatever'. What followed next was akin to a roller coaster ride. You just got caught up in the whole experience. At one point I thought about tripping this fat kid so that I could get away! Later on in the elevator he was snatched by an Alien. We did a head count at the end and I never saw that fat kid again!!! Obviously he was a plant, but you never know eh?
Afterwards you got to see everything you mention including the control pad Bishop used to remote the dropship. There was also a life sized replica of the Queen which you could pose with and take your own photos.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Oh man, that sounds ABSOLUTELY WILD! I would have probably gone there until my eyes bled. To experience the thrill of entering that world with My imagination...that would have stayed with me even to this day(like going to DisneyWorld as a little kid). Also seeing all that stuff up close would be like My Personal Holy Grail. I envy you dude, Truly.

That's HI-LARIOUS about that "fat kid" and you thinking about tripping him to escape, to me, it seems like the experience was so realistic that your survival instincts actually kicked in you were so caught up in the fantasy...that's friggin PRICELESS!(LMAO) I'da KILLED for an experience like that back then. Again-TOTALLY ENVY YOU!

I didn't know about the Queen, that must have been breathtaking... hearing ALL that just really depresses me about missing it, sounded like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I remember a few years back(maybe when PROMETHEUS was in production) that it was coming back for a short time, never knew if it ever actually happened. Anyways you were one lucky guy(in my book) to have those memories...you have to understand I REALLY love this Film Universe.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


It was absolutely brilliant. Though it was over twenty years ago, I still remember every little detail about it. The fat kid kept pushing in front of everybody, so I already had designs on pushing him in front of a xeno. Funnily enough when we did the head count at the end this woman said 'Hey where's the fat kid'? She had closed her eyes screaming, when the Alien burst in to the elevator and grabbed him so hadn't realised he'd been taken. The marine had chased the Alien, firing his pulse rifle, when he came back he was screaming at everyone to run. So we ran (adrenaline kicked in as if it was real). We burst through some doors and in to daylight. That's when they did a head count.
It came back a few years ago, but wasn't the same. It was a lot smaller and more like a tribute to the original experience.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Too Cool wears!, too cool...The ONLY Experience I ever had with ALIEN was at DisneyWorld, where they have a ride that takes you past various Movie Monsters and Characters. Behind one futuristic door pops out the Original Alien sticks out his tongue and the doors close again quickly and moves on. The Alien was very detailed and authentic looking but you only got about 5 seconds worth of view time.

It was nothing like your experience, but I did get a little thrill seeing 'Old Chap' with my own eyes even if for a few seconds...Shame about the ALIEN:WAR TRIBUTE, but I guess a lot of the Fan Fare has died down over the years.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


There was also a virtual ride that used to be about in the late 90's. You were sat in a cinema and the seats reacted to what happened on the screen. It was as if you were in the APC and the Aliens were attacking it. You end up on the dropship and could feel the explosion of the Atmosphere Processing plant.
The only thing I can compare it to is 'Honey I Shrunk the Audience' at Disney.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Interesting, was that part of ALIEN:WAR or just its own thing using ALIENS film sequences?

Wake up, Time to DIE.


It was its' own thing and some years after Alien:War had closed. Apparently it was in different venues around the country. I went to the one only a few miles from where I live at the Showcase Cinema complex.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Ah, I remember something similar to that only instead of being ALIENS though it was based on ROBOCOP. It too was it's own thing and was a traveling venue where you sat down and followed RoboCop on a motorcycle through a futuristic DELTA City while he made arrests.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Always liked Robocop.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Yeah, Me too, The First one really, I love it on it's own with a passion. It has just the right amount of Social Commentary, Dark Humor, and Tragedy along with cool Sci-fi to make it a Classic. Let's not forget ED-209 too! The Sequels for me just became progressively worst...almost feature length Toy Commercials IMO. The Original though in my book is PERFECT!

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Agreed. Love the first one.
'I'd buy that for a dollar'!

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Heh yeah, Another Endlessly Quotable Classic.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Just looking at your signature. Bladerunner, right?
Here's a picture that inspired the opening shot. Ridley Scott used to see this everytime he came home from University to his home in the North East of England. It's about 20 miles from me.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Yep, that's it. I love that film as much as I do A L I E N. I have the Briefcase Set on DVD, and the BluRay Version with the Prototype Spinner, Film Booklet, and Lenticular Card. Not to mention the first DVD Release in a cardboard keep case known as the Director's Cut from 1991. It's another one of Ridleys Visual Masterpieces based on P.K.Dicks Genre busting Classic.

Wow, that is the kind of View I would love to see from my balcony! Ever since I saw Deckard walk out on his balcony with a drink and stares off into the Neon City with Spinners buzzing by, I've had an obsession with finding a place with a vista in the same vein. Where you could just sit with a drink and watch the City from on high and watch a nice skyline and people watch a huge portion of a City going about at night.

I've seen beautiful shots that look VERY close to Bladerunners Balcony Shot(EDIT: In Japan-Tokyo, I think) as well...it must be a fortune to get a place overlooking the City just right. That shot is nice(to me at least)...I've been to France, never made it to England-wish I had though, but time didn't allow. I was in France when Danny Boyle was filming 28 Days Later(would've loved to have seen the Empty London Scenes being filmed).

Wake up, Time to DIE.


I walked through London once when it looked a bit like that. It was in the summer of 1996 and it was 4:30 am on a Sunday.
It was very eerie.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


That sounds freaky, I've always loved those scenes in 28 days l8r. They really gave/give me the impression of an abandoned city and end of the world isolation. Actually, I really love that film too, and if you ask me-IT revived the whole Zombie Craze. I know the 'Infected' weren't zombies, but they still fall into the same category...Hell, come to think of it I like a LOT of Danny Boyle films.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


Not to interrupt the convo guys but this pic from Tokyo always felt very Blade Runner to me:


I had this set as my desktop background for some time.


THAT is VERY Bladerunner to me too...give it a few more hundred stories up, an Advertising Blimp, and some Spinners zipping by and your there-Nice Shot!

Wake up, Time to DIE.



You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Nice to see some Bladerunner love going on! I have been following your conversation, and agree with most all of it. I actually very much love Alien 3 (the assembly cut). When I was younger, I always liked Aliens the most, and hated Alien 3, but as I grew older, and studied the films more, the first grew to become my favorite, and as soon as I saw the assmbly cut of 3, it became second in my eyes. Aliens was fun, but as others have pointed out, it really undercut the menace of the Xenomorph, reducing them to semi intelligent space insects, rather than the biomechanical weapons they had been intended to be.

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"



If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


No worries. BTW, I have two of the bladerunner DVD briefcase sets. I bought one to pen and use, one to keep sealed (I later bought the blu-ray). :D

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"


Have you got Deckards gun (replica)?
I have, bought it off a woman who was selling all her (cheating) ex husbands gear. She only wanted £5!!!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Oh wow, no! But I certainly wish I did! The only good gun replica I have is "The Samaritan" from Hellboy.

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"


Was it expensive? These things usually are. Deckards gun sells for around $900 which is nearly £700. I just got lucky thanks to a spurned wife and her cheating husband.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


It cost me around 210 USD, roughly.

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"


That's pretty good. They normally retail around 400 usd.
I've got the Alien trilogy box set (vhs) with the Tshirt (unworn and still in packaging). Got it when it came out in 1994

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Nice! I also have the VHS set, safely in storage. :) No shirt though! I live in China, so I can find some pretty cool things here :D

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"


Yeah, I've noticed some of the box sets for movies are quite different for some markets.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I just looked on Taobao, and found a DIY paper cut out 3D replica of the gun that's pretty funny.


"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"


Ive actually never seen the deer hunter , it's not 1 you'd recomend ? I saw on another thread you like AvP requiem I like it too tbh :) but don't tell any body :) :)


Other than the section set in Vietnam, Deer Hunter is a pile of shyte as far as I'm concerned.
I do like AvPr, and I won't tell anybody about anyone else liking it, but I think you just told everybody ;-)

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


I do like AvPr

You really are retarded, aren't you?


Says the A-Hole who posts one thread saying Aliens are better than Predators and another saying Predators are better than Aliens.
Shut up dick splash.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


There are some good things about this movie, but overall, in my opinion, it's too long and too boring.

The good things:
- the prison setting
- the overall tone of the movie (athmosphere)
- the first half is good
- the english guys
- it's creepy and eerie (not like Alien, but it's pretty scary)
- story and dialogue is ok

The bad things:
- bad pace, slow, too long, not well edited (funny, because Alien is also slow. This just shows the difference between good editor/director/writer collaboration (Terry Rawlings/Scott/O'Bannon) and bad collaboration)
- some weird bad special effects.

English isn't my 1st language. I'm sorry for any mistakes in grammar, spelling...


The "Weird bad special effects" you mention(which a LOT of people attribute to bad early CGI) are from the EFX Team using a rod puppet on Bluescreen and Compositing them on surfaces which left a visible matte around the entire puppet. The only CG in the film is the Alien after it surfaces from the molten lead and climbs up after Ripley...Here, when Ripley opens the cooling water ducts is the ONLY CG with the Aliens Head/Body undergoes explosive heat expansion.

Wake up, Time to DIE.


I love the assembly cut. I understand people were upset about the death of Newt and Hicks, but you'd think people would be over that by now and judge the film by its own merits.

I don't think it's a perfect movie, but then I don't need a movie to be perfect to enjoy it. It's beautifully shot, it has an intense yet melancholic atmosphere and some interesting characters. As a goodbye to Ripley, it works perfectly. The religious themes blend well with the gothic look and the haunting score. Some of the effects with the rod puppet look a little clumsy, but you have to appreciate the effort to create a unique look at the alien in the pre-cgi world. I do wish that Fincher would change his mind and make a director's cut. At two-and-a-half hours the assembly cut drags a little at points and becomes a bit too talk-y, with long interludes between the alien action. If it were trimmed down to two hours it would be perfect.

I would probably rank it second after the original. Aliens is an incredibly fun action thrill ride, but to me Alien 3 has a little more substance and depth to it that I've come to appreciate immensely over the years.




In essence people "hate it" because it squashes everyting that happened in Aliens. And there just is no one to root for...its just hopeless. And all characters are so grimey and slimey. Its wasted potential. As a standalone its fine and it has some style I guess.


Yeah, I like it too.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Aside from being bummed that hicks died, my only complaint about this movie are the bad cg FX. Otherwise I love this movie and it deserves far more credit them it gets.


I think the hate is because of Aliens. Cameron took the Alien story & turned it from a sci-fi horror movie to a shoot them up sci-fi action extravaganza. He added big guns & marines & pitted them against a swarm of creatures.

When Alien 3 came out, it went back to the original Alien format of one xenomorph against a bunch of noncombatants with nonmilitary weaponry...& even though the original was far superior...the majority of haters are simply comparing it to Aliens & were expecting lots of guns & space marines.

The same people that hate 3, I'm guessing, probably think the original was boring.

"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop."
