The Egg thing

I can´t believe how people are making such a huge drama around it:D

Alien is´s perfect deadly organism....It survives...

And the angle of the egg....I think the shot is just beautiful and the whole opening sequence is so disturbing and briliant...

I didn´t know that people ACTUALLY NEED to know how the egg got there...


I Think most people felt cheated. It was too neat and tidy to have Everything play out like it does in the first 10 minutes. They had to come up with stupid stuff to force Ripley into this story.


And the angle of the egg....I think the shot is just beautiful and the whole opening sequence is so disturbing and briliant...

AGREED! Seeing that egg hanging upside down for the first time, I went "Whaaaat?" Hehe, it adds to the mystery of the alien. If Bishop had snuck an egg on the ship, like some suggest, he wouldn't have plastered it against the wall, would he?


It´s great to see some positivity here ;-)

Alien is perfect survives...I´m gonna be honest that is enough for me :D
Funny thing is I never thought about the egg as some kind of a plothole...

Isn´t it scary that Alien STILL managed to get the egg on board of the Sulaco...that´s the beauty of its you said it´s mysterious...

Do you like Alien 3?



I have the novelisation downloaded but I didn´t have time to read it yet!!!!

But there were two designs...the classical one...human skin coloured and queen facehugger that was cut from the movie with blacker skin...


The fact that the opening sequence consists entirely of mere glimpses of things happening

Haters can say what they want about this movie, but that opening was brilliant Brilliant BRILLIANT. The glimpses, intercut with the titles, was just sublime suspense building and fan teasing. Can you tell I love this movie? :)


Its absolutely wonderful opening as an isolated piece. I Think the first 3rd of the Movie is desent. It kind of stuble after that.

I did a mix of the eev scenes from the assembly cut and original theatrical.
Check it out here:


as a fan of the first two i can't say that Alien 3 was a great Alien film. it had the misfortune of coming after Aliens and it just doesn't compare. i think the opening sequence was quite suspenseful but the films depressing nature, and the deaths of pretty much everyone, just is not going to ride high with most people. it would be like the equivalent of the return of the jedi ending with the deaths of luke skywalker, han solo, and princess leia. even though this is a horror movie, we still want the heroes to be triumphant, which in this case is Ripley, Hicks, and yes, even Newt (and i know that many thought she was annoying i still like her and want her to be around because its not good to have children die).

i think the film if it had to be on a prison planet could still have the face hugger on board the EEV but since it is unable to get through the cryogenic chambers, it waits for an opportunity. The story could have been that the Surlaco gets hit by a stray asteroid, fire breaks out, and Ripley and the gang are forced to eject while in stasis. the EEV ends up on the prison planet and the face hugger flees the ship and starts to ensue its damage to the prison population. Perhaps the news of the arrival of Ripley and the gang could have been kept confidential since a child is on board. Newt could have been in a protected area away from child molesters with hicks eventually telling the general population that if any of the prisoners even looks at Newt the wrong way, that he'll do worse to them than the alien.

It would have been interesting to see how Ripley, Hicks, Newt, and Bishop would have dealt with this environment. Bishop was heavily damaged but maybe it could have been written that the doctor at the prison colony could attach his lower section or some kind of regeneration of limbs. Most of all it would have to end with Ripley and them surviving. that's the part that i think is most displeasing to Alien fans, is Ripley's death. Maybe the ending could have been a dream that Ripley was having while in stasis. at the end she wakes up and it was all a horrible nightmare.


it had the misfortune of coming after Aliens and it just doesn't compare.

I think much bigger problem was Fox and their approach to filmmakers and filmmaking itself...
You should learn how this movie was made and what hell David went through and maybe you will appreciate it more....I´m not being mean just a suggestion...

the films depressing nature, and the deaths of pretty much everyone, just is not going to ride high with most people

I LOVE THAT aspect of Alien 3! You know why? Ripley fought Aliens and almost destroyed them in second movie...Killing Hicks and Newt is a revenge! (the shot of facehugger breaking Newt´s cryotube glass is prove of that so I´m not making up some "theory") Just like impregnating Ripley with their future queen...I find it very poetic and beautifully disturbing...
It is just the thing that nobody seems to understand or they just don´t want to understand it...they just want more marines and guns...  It´s that simple they got something different from what they were is "basic fan mentality" that´s how I call it...
Yes the movie is what? it´s depressing, it´s scary and beautifully shot. It´s the most artistic movie of the franchise and Sigourney delivers imo the best performance of her career in this one...

Alien is supposed to be a horror movie...Cameron did something else that´s cool Aliens is classic movie but he stripped Aliens of their horror element..I was glad that Alien 3 gave one Alien again...

It´s ok that you didn´t like this movie....I am incredibly thankful to David Fincher because even with the ammount of challenges he faced because of Fox (no script; budget cuts; release date; then recutting his film - so he distanced himself from it) his debut is underrated and misunderstood. I understand why he distanced himself from it but I applaud him for his achievement...

there you go 


I agree. I like A3 because it is different. It didn't try to follow the escalation of Aliens, but took it right back to a visceral survival with no weapons story.


That actually was the only good move by Fox that they wanted to return the franchise to its roots...Aliens are great movie but captured ZERO essence of Alien DNA


I can´t believe how people are making such a huge drama around it:D

Alien is´s perfect deadly organism....It survives...

And the angle of the egg....I think the shot is just beautiful and the whole opening sequence is so disturbing and briliant...

I didn´t know that people ACTUALLY NEED to know how the egg got there...

I do, I don't defend lazy screen writing.

I don't even have Alien 3 in my DVD collection nor Ressurection. I threw them in the garbage. The film is broken by this plot point, it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the egg to be on the Sulaco.


Ok...I dissagree 


i have to agree with you there, i need things to make sense too and A3 made no sense. I don't like it and the film itself doesn't work. Don't even get me started about resurrection. it was great to see ripley back but she's not really ripley and it takes place like 200 years after the events of A3.

A3 was supposed to be about an alien (or many aliens) finally manages to find its way to earth, but fox realized an alien invasion of a major city on earth might be a bit expensive to show on film, at that time.

i still remember seeing trailers for it where it started out by showing the vastness of space and a voice comes on saying, "In space no one can hear you scream" then the camera pans to show earth and the voice continues, "but on earth, everyone can". then the title Alien3 appears on the screen. i was like, "no way?! an alien makes it to earth? i still remember the anxiety and excitement i felt when i saw the trailer. i could hardly wait to see the movie. then when it opened and i saw the actual movie, i was like what the hell? this has nothing to do with earth.

i told someone recently about the trailer i remember seeing decades ago and they interpreted the trailer to mean that movie goers screams will be heard on earth in movie theaters. well, that wouldn't make sense because of course the movie is going to be shown on earth in a movie theater, duh! doesn't that go without saying? where the hell else is the movie going to be shown? on the moon? also why would the movie makers need to go to the trouble of telling fans that your screams won't be heard in space but they will be heard in a movie theater? don't we already know that? someone is going to be thinking, "oh, my screams won't be heard in space but will be heard in a movie theater? i didn't know that, thanks for the information". that would be the world's dumbest movie trailer.

if it is any consolation, A5 supposedly will ignore the events of A3 and resurrection.


Stasis Interrupted[edit]
During the events of Aliens Carter J. Burke manages to send a message to Michael Weyland from Weyland-Yutani confirming the existence of the xenomorph species. Weyland sends the advanced research transport spacecraft WYS Legato to LV-426 with a cargo of human colonists kept in cryostasis to be used as hosts to the xenomorphs. However, the Legato arrives just after the destruction of Hadley's Hope and the departure of the USS Sulaco. After investigating the coordinates of the Alien Derelict the corporates discover the ruins of the craft and harvest several xenomorph eggs and begin experimenting with the colonists. They also pinpoint the location of the USS Sulaco through the network and the Colony's computer logs, sending the Legato to intercept the cruiser. Eleven days later, the corporates connect their ship with the Sulaco, but a xenomorph outbreak takes place in the Legato.

Colonist Lisbeth Hutchins awakens and finds a fellow colonist called Ethan during the chaos. While Ethan tells Lisbeth of the situation, a chestburster erupts from his chest, killing him. Unarmed and confused Lisbeth makes her way through the infested ship, watching corporate PMCs murdering infected colonists. Another colonist called Andrews helps Lisbeth but is killed by a xenomorph. Finally, Lisbeth finds ex-Colonial Marine Stone and Turk, two colonists who go with her until the exit port of the ship. There Lisbeth separates to search for her parents while Stone and Turk board the Sulaco to search for military help. Lisbeth finds both her parents dead and begins to feel sick, realizing that she was impregnated with a xenomorph. Just before dying she manages to self-destruct the Legato by taking the ship's coolant system offline.

Stone and Turk manage to arrive at the cryostasis section of the Sulaco, where they find Rebecca "Newt" Jorden, Ellen Ripley and Dwayne Hicks sleeping. While awakening, Corporal Hicks watches a facehugger already attached to Ripley's face. Three Weyland-Yutani PMCs enter the area and during the fight one of the corporates fires his weapon and grazes Ripley's facehugger, which bursts acidic blood that burns both her cryotube and the floor, causing an electrical fire and activating the ship's alarm. During the alarm, Turk is attacked by one of the PMCs, who throws him inside Hicks's cryotube. It closes immediately and is ejected out of cryostasis by the ship's computer, along with Newt and Ripley's cryotubes, sending them to Fury 161 inside an EEV. After killing the remaining PMCs and fighting several xenomorphs inside the vessel, Stone and Hicks escape the Sulaco using a service skiff craft and set course to Fury 161 to rescue Turk, Newt and Ripley, taking them two days to finally arrive. They both witness Ripley's death after she throws herself into a molten pit and are captured by Michael Weyland and several PMCs, who take them back to LV-426 in the still infested Sulaco.

Thirteen weeks and four days later, while in captivity inside the Origin installation near the Alien Derelict, Weyland demands both of them to give him the code for a recorded distress call that Hicks intended to send to the USCM forces, but didn't manage to. After Stone denies any knowledge of such message he is executed by one of the PMCs. Hicks is chemically tortured for information while Weyland boasts how the colonists and human life in general are of little concern to him. While doing this a Weyland-Yutani scientist named Rick Levy rebels and rescues Hicks while keeping Weyland and his PMCs at bay at gunpoint. Another xenomorph infestation occurs inside the caverns near the Origin complex. Amidst the chaos Levy and Hicks fight their way until they finally arrive at a communications relay station and manage to send part of Hicks's distress call. Hicks is recaptured and forced to reveal information on how to take control of the Sulaco's weapon systems, and Levy is presumably executed. But the message is picked up by the United States Colonial Marines four days later.

This is from the game Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC.

Described as a true sequel to James Cameron's film, the story of Aliens: Colonial Marines takes place nearly 17 weeks after the events of Aliens, as the cryotubes containing Ellen Ripley, Corporal Hicks, Newt, and the android Bishop had ejected from the Sulaco.[12] At PAX East 2012, Gearbox Software's Community Manager confirmed that the game is considered an official part of the Alien franchise's canon by 20th Century Fox.

You wanted to know how the egg got on board, well here's the answer.


it would be like the equivalent of the return of the jedi ending with the deaths of luke skywalker, han solo, and princess leia.

Hey! They pretty much did just that with The Force Awakens (essentially wiped out the events of RotJ) & people seemed to not mind too much.

I actually wanted less marines & less guns. The first 20-25 minutes of the Assembly Cut is awesome. Depressing for sure, but I kinda didn't mind Hicks & Newt getting killed off, even though it seemed like a cheat. I would've preferred something like the comics, though, with Hicks & Newt surviving, that somehow mixed in some of the concepts from the Ward/Fasano script. I guess it sort of did with the EEV crashing on a planet inhabited by a bunch of exiled religious zealots.

I was ok with their deaths, the departure from Aliens, & Ripley committing suicide at the end (SPOILER!).

It all goes downhill from the point of the Alien bursting out of the dog, or cow, whichever version you watch. Becomes nothing short of a disaster, script-wise, around an hour in. I'm guessing that's 'cause the script went through so many writers/drafts, & was still being written while the movie was being shot.

As far as the egg thing - that opening title sequence is cool looking. Just didn't make a whole lot of sense. So, there was an egg on the ship & the facehugger that hatched from it impregnated Ripley while she was in cryo-sleep. Where did the 2nd one that impregnated the dog/cow come from? Or, was it the same one? I was under the impression they died after impregnating the host. Was it some kind of super-hugger? Did Bishop plant the egg? Didn't the egg sac get ripped off the Queen at the end of Aliens?


yeah where did the second facehugger come from? they do die after impregnating a host. if Bishop did plant the egg, i'm not saying he did because i don't know, but hypothetically if he did, why would he do that? he seemed to sincerely care about the safety of everyone and his model of android is supposed to be superior to Ash's which was considered "twitchy".

it seems that A3 was rushed and just not thought out properly. A3 should have been on the Sulaco where they battle an alien, similar to the first film. i had heard that an early idea for A3 was to take place primarily on the Sulaco battling an alien running around the ship. that would have been better then the prison colony and its cast of characters.

part of the problem was that i didn't really care if the prisoners got killed because they consisted of murderers and rapists. i was rooting for the alien that is up until it killed the doc. he seemed like a nice guy although misguided, i forgot what his crime was.

also the actor charles s dutton's character seemed cool since he helped save ripley from being raped. other than those who cares if the prisoners live or die? they should have said that the prisoners were put in prison for crimes they didn't commit or were a threat to The Company but not real criminals. plus also have the survivors of Aliens in it and Ripley and the gang don't die. then it would have been fun to watch.

the slow pacing of the original film, which is brilliant by the way, would be hard to recapture in a sequel because any film that tries to do that is going to be considered a rehash of the first film, that's why i enjoyed Aliens so much. it went in a different direction but still maintained a place in the "Alien universe".

Alien3 or is it Alien to the third power? tries to do something radically different but it should have still tried to maintain the "emotional continuity" of Aliens since it is right after Aliens. meaning that it should have almost picked up right where Aliens left off.

A3 could have pulled an Aliens move and had all of them wake up 50 or maybe 100 years after the events of Aliens. something goes wrong with the Sulaco and it goes off course and they stay in cryogenic stasis for much longer than expected. not to mention when they awaken they don't know where they are. they find out that The Company sent the Sulaco's auto pilot instructions to go somewhere else. maybe to a derelict alien vessel a drift in space or maybe a world inhabited by aliens and ripley and the gang find a race of humanoid beings trying to survive despite sharing a world with the aliens.

maybe they could have even said that something goes wrong with newt's cryo chamber and she aged a bit while in cryo stasis and she is now approximately in her 20's. that way people who didn't like having a kid around won't complain because now it could be a hot 20 year old. maybe if weaver was wanting to end playing ripley, this could have been a passing of the torch to the now older newt, maybe even newt taking on ripley's name too. we don't know the science behind cryogenics since it is only in the world of science fiction. maybe newt's chamber was working intermittently, preserving her but not completely.

they could have written that ripley gets a ship and decides to head back to earth and newt goes her way, continuing the fight against the aliens. this would also allow for weaver to come back to the role if she wanted to. there could be off shoot stories of ripley encountering aliens while trying to get back to earth to retire. hicks and bishop could go with newt since she might need help.

anything would have been better than the dismal movie that became A3.


they could have written that ripley gets a ship and decides to head back to earth and newt goes her way, continuing the fight against the aliens. this would also allow for weaver to come back to the role if she wanted to. there could be off shoot stories of ripley encountering aliens while trying to get back to earth to retire. hicks and bishop could go with newt since she might need help.

They could just have put Newt and Hicks in separate EEV's.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


even though this is a horror movie, we still want the heroes to be triumphant


This is not Bedknobs And Broomsticks.
