Cpl. Hicks???

Was he decapitated from the crash? I tried to freeze the scene where he's in that pod thing, and can not see his head.... you do see his arms and torso though.


There's dialogue in the movie that says he got impaled by a support beam. I'm guessing the beam went through his face.




Found one a little closer ;)

Here's the prop:




OK that doesn't look like the work of a support beam, more like someone ate his head and shat it out again.


Da fuq this is gross!!!!

For within each death there is always a new life, a new beginning - Dillon, Alien 3


I had a long stare at that shot too. Its quite macabre and certainly a lot more than a metal rod impalement was needed to render his skull smashed like that. A small but annoying inconsistency IMO


I think this was done on purpose by the SFX department. Micael Biehn was really pissed off they killed off his character and demanded they pay him for the likeness of his body/face. Well they paid him almost as much as he made for Aliens, and I guess they wanted to spite him. The story is something like that.


I think this was done on purpose by the SFX department. Micael Biehn was really pissed off they killed off his character and demanded they pay him for the likeness of his body/face. Well they paid him almost as much as he made for Aliens, and I guess they wanted to spite him. The story is something like that.

They were using his likeness without permission so he put a stop to that and they had to go with the smashed head to get around it. Later during all the reshoots and various changes they decided to pay to use the photograph of him seen in the theatrical cut, which as you mentioned, earned him more than his entire wage from Aliens. lol

