Greatest Movie EVER

Adventures in Dinosaur City is one of those movies that comes around once, maybe twice in a century. The kind of movie that is just misunderstood. Every single part of this film is well thought out, from the cheap title sequence to the fact that no buildings are seen in Saur City (pretty much the capital of dinosaur world). People say there needs to be a remake or a sequal, but I think that would ruin the over-all point of this movie. What is the over-all point? I'm not really sure. But everybody has to admit, that little song at the beginning is so righteous!

Here are some of my other thoughts on the movie, as well as some "creative errors" I have picked up on over the many times I have watched this film:

-That whole scene where the three characters are going through the time tunnle is so freaking hilarious. Its the same stupid scene over and over again!

-At one point, there is a scenic view of the landscape of Dinosaur World, and if you look at the top of the screen you can see the top of the set hahahaha!

-During the battle at the big tree, Mic jumps down to fight, but it shows this asian stunt double instead! Its so obvious bwhahaahahah!

-Also during the battle at the tree, mic is punching one of "The Rockies" and he looks right at the camera!

-Tops (the triceratops) sounds a lot like a wannabe Jerry Seinfeld.

-I think Rex's dad make all that "Mind Control" BS up. He handed over the key to saur city willingly and you all know it!

-That one little dinosaur that says "What are you guys, a bunch of tourists? RUN!!!!" is God.

-The girl dinosaur in Tar Town is disturbing.

-During some battle, Rex gets hit in the face with a stick and doesn't even move hahahahahaa

-During the final battle, Rex gets hit in the gut and hit snout just kind of juggles up and down. Its really funny to watch.

-Also during the final battle, Tops proves to be quite the fighter. I mean have you seen him? He kicks A$$!

-The little dance and chant that the hero dinosaurs do is so funny! But what the heck are they saying? Its either "Thunderin'!" or the little lost boys call from Hook "Bangerang!"

Well anyways, thats all I can think of right now. But trust me when I say, I'm probably this movie's biggest fan.


AND another thing!

That little Rocky in Tar Town who fights Mic, Tops, and Rex is like Joe Pesci's little brother or something! Sincerely! And then he just gets throw in the fire pit aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha


Thank god someone else can appreciate decent films, this film owns all :o) cant believe someone else has actually seen it!! Bring on a dvd release!


yes!!!! this is kind of a pathetic question, but do you have a myspace? If so, you should check out my fan club


Just joined it my good man :o)


I love this movie, just because it so hilariously bad and cheesy.


hahaha seriously! Sometimes I wonder what was going through their heads during production. "Oh man this movie is going to be so great! EVERYBODY is going to love it!!"


"Oh man this movie is going to be so great! EVERYBODY is going to love it!!"
and they were so exceedingly good at being completely wrong.


Anyone notice the tagline on the top of the case?

"Long Before there were Turtles, The World Was Ruled by Dinosaurs."

Are they trying to put down the Ninja Turtles? Oh 1992, I miss you.


Did you know that this movie has a VIDEO GAME based on it?
No lie, it's for the Super Nintendo, I played it once.


hahah yeah, but the best part is that the video game has NOTHING to do with the movie! bwaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!


Yeah, it has absolutley nothing to do with film, and they STILL made it suck, HAhaha!


god bless the super NES


I still have a super NES. I still love it and play my TMNT games quite often along with "Super Mario World"... God I love the Super Nintendo.


yeah i still have mine as well. "Turtles in Time" man, its all about that game!


"Let's kick shell!"


I gotta say this movie does rock.


amen brother, amen


I love this movie. I cant find it anywhere. There is also an animated TV series about people riding Dinosaurs that i cant find. It is on Mrs.Doubtfire the toys robin is playing with when he first goes into the TV station. What was it called?

They just mucked with the wrong MEXICAN!


I love this movie. I cant find it anywhere. There is also an animated TV series about people riding Dinosaurs that i cant find. It is on Mrs.Doubtfire the toys robin is playing with when he first goes into the TV station. What was it called?



Well as for this being the greatest movie EVER, that's up for debate. But one thing I know for sure is that it's lightyears better than Galaxis... and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

"I do not kill people. That is my least favorite thing to do."


cadillacs and dinosaurs?

man i liked that show lol.. i also am a fan of this movie, i have been trying to remember its name for at least 30 minutes now, i tried typing all kinds of dinosaur crap in imdb search and google lol, was getting nowhere, i somehow found it tho, i got very lucky and to my great surprise, its 2.2/10 but theres still a bunch of message board threads so i know there are some like who enjoyed this movie out there lol

Whats happening to our hood!! - Jack Black, Be kind Rewind (2008)

