Vote jay up

If you like him and offset the trolls voting it down.


Where do we vote??


Just click on one of the stars at the top of the main page for the show. I pretty much ignore IMDb ratings. Many more people watch Jay than Jimmy.

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 5.3
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 6.7

Take care to whom you REPLY--IMDb notification system does not tolerate errors


I already gave Jay's Tonight Show 10 stars!


"Troll" implies someone who votes a low rating just to annoy fans or to provoke an argument rather than to reflect what he or she actually thinks of the show. Although some surely do that, it's entirely possible a lot of people really don't like the show. Like me. I voted 1 a long time ago because that's my genuine opinion of the quality of the show.

Popularity and critical acclaim aren't always proportional. For example, The Walking Dead is by far the most popular show on cable. Its ratings blow others away, garnering viewer totals typical of network television. However, it is far from a critical success. Shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, etc. are far more acclaimed than Walking Dead, yet don't come close in viewers.

Same with Jay Leno's Tonight Show. It's still #1 in the ratings, but it's not like it's still being acknowledged critically as the best late night show. The last time it was even nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Variety Series was a decade ago in 2003.

What's more important? Ratings or acclaim/accolades? It's debatable. I respect The Tonight Show for being #1 for so long - that's no easy feat regardless of quality - but I'll forever be fascinated how a show that I see as so incredibly terrible is watched by so many people.


Jay is #1 in the Nielsen ratings where it matters! You should give him 10 stats on IMDB but it doesn't mean NEARLY as much as the ratings where he rules!


Jay is #1 in the Nielsen ratings where it matters! You should give him 10 stats on IMDB but it doesn't mean NEARLY as much as the ratings where he rules!

If Jay's ratings mattered to NBC as much as they do to you, he wouldn't keep getting fired.


Even Hollywood vets are puzzled by NBC. Remember NBC is saying "Jay is going out on TOP just like Carson did" so Jay is clearly #1!


Agreed Drebin. It's hard to reconcile Leno's ratings when seemingly no one ever talks about his show, not counting his final week. I also think about shows like "24". It was massively popular (and critically acclaimed) but would rarely crack the top 10 weekly Primetime ratings. And furthermore, if Jay is so wonderful and hilarious, why was his Primetime show such a disaster? You take him out of the Tonight Show and no one gives a crap. The best parts of the Jay's Tonight Show - Headlines and Jaywalking - had nothing to do with Jay's comedic abilities. Headlines were merely fan-submitted puns and typos and Jaywalking was just idiots in public. I'm a Fallon fan and while he may not be a great comedian, his shows are really fun to watch, and that goes a long way. I look forward to the Tonight Show back in NYC.

Check out Cloo:


Rpi you forget Jay's prime time show got better ratings than most NBC 10 pm shows now!


why was his Primetime show such a disaster?

Because late night-style talk shows do not belong in primetime, and the evidence for this lay in the fact that when they moved Jay back to 11:35, the ratings went back to their former heights. A talk show starring Dave Letterman, John Stewart and Conan O'Brien combined would not work any better at 10pm. It just didn't belong there anymore than "The View" would work at 1am.
