Where to watch?

I've watched seasons 1 and 2 on Hulu and love this show... Anyone know where I can watch 3 and 4? I try only to download torrents as a last resort, but it hasn't been released on DVD so it's not like I'm trying to avoid paying for it. Any high quality torrents or would I be wasting my time taking that route?


Seasons three and four were on Hulu for a very short period of time–a few weeks at the most. Then they were suddenly removed.

I doubt there are any high quality torrents out there. Season three is definitely worth watching, though–probably the show's best.



I don't think high quality ala Hulu of season 3 and 4 are available online anymore. The best are the torrents or http://watchseries.lt/serie/picket_fences, but these are both TV captures.
