Worst storyline

What do you think was the worst storyline?


The early episodes had some horrible one episode storylines, but one that stands out to me is the Billy Is A Racist episode, or the one where he and Jake goofs off with Alison's bra and she freaks out.

The Alison / Jake pairing was mostly horrible and completely islanded them in a dire storyline. The Michael and Amber the stripper nonsense made no sense. He meets her, lives with him for a minute and then she steals his tv.

Amanda's cancer storyline really didn't suit the show and it seems like the writers knew it and they ended up completely pushing it into the background.


Wasn't Amanda "cured" by the experimental treatment Michael gets for her?


Something like that, though I think the writers just really glossed it over. I rewatched up until some episodes into season three recently, so I might have to continue my rewatch to refresh my memory.

Another bad one: The Mancini Glove nonsense.


I have only seen most of season 1 but what about Allison's surgery?

surgery is fine, but what EMPLOYEE OF ANY SORT OF BIG COMPANY HAS NO HEALTH INSURANCE? what? I can understand a small company or a family owned store or something, but she was a RECEPTIONIST! WITH NO INSURANCE????

also with Allison: when she was having an issue with her married/soon to be divorced boyfriend who was like hella old, and she left files at home? why should she have those files to begin with? she answers phones!

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.
