Michael and Jake...

...did they ever have ANY interaction AT ALL after season 1 when Michael moved out of the apartment complex and into the beach house?

Because in season 1, they seemed to be pretty good friends... but after Michael divorced Jane and moved out of the apartment complex, I can't really recall him and Jake having ANY interaction with each other at all... he was pretty close with the tenants of the building when he lived there and was married to Jane... but after he moved out, he almost never interacted with Alison again... he interacted with Jane when they fought over divorce proceedings and got back together for the occasional brief fling.. he interacted with Matt frequently because they worked together... but after 1 whole season of seemingly being pretty close buddies, did Michael and Jake ever have ANY interaction with each other again after season 1??????


In Season 2. Jake attended a party Michael and Kimberly had at the beach house Billy, Amanda, Sydney and Matt were there also. Jake also sat down with Michael at Shooter in another episode when he was using crutches and staying with Jane after the car accident and found out Michael had an affair with Sydney and tell him he may not be God's gift to women but he was certainly God's revenge on them. Later he tells Michael he's welcome to crash over his place since Robert is spending the night with Jane but Michael declines.

When Alison bails at her wedding Michael asks Jake if she's ok not knowing she has bailed and offers his services.

In Season 3 after Chris Marchette kidnaps Sydney and takes her to Vegas. She has a good time but finds out Chris gambled Jane's money and calls Jake who comes with Michael and Jane.

In Season 4 Jake stops to see Jane at the beach house when she was in a wheelchair recovering from a stroke, and finds out from Sydney and (Michael also with her) that she left Jane out on the beach. even though they aren't shown conversing Jake is in attendance at Michael's 30th birthday, and also Michael and Kimberly's second wedding.


Jake told Michael in season 2 that he was gods revenge on women and offered to let Michael crash at his place? Gods revenge on women lol That's hilarious... you said that was season 2... do u know what season NUMBER episode that was? Or the title? lol for some reason I missed that one n would love to see it
