which episode...

The episode that ariel and flounder went to this big fortress thing, and the water was polluted a lot, and it was rainy and stormy and they had to go through under water grates (maybe escaping) and they had to defeat this evil polluting guy. Which episode was that?

I know that was completely and grammatically incorrect, but please excuse that.


You're probably thinking of Island of Fear.


Yeah Island of Fear was a great episode because on some levels it dealt with pollution, science experiments, and possible child abuse? I'm sure that Dr. Vial's "crab experiments" was supposed to be a reference to Mary Shelley's story 'Frankenstein' (ironic that Mary's husband Percy Shelley drownd when his small boat, The Ariel, capsized in the middle of a lake in the 1830s...at about the same time Andersen wrote TLM), but was Dr. Vial's poor indentured servant/child lackey Daniel supposed to be a victim of drugs, diptheria, a slow radiation poisoning, or a nod to Peter Lorre, I do not know. At least Sebastian convinced the boy to leave that situation and go back to his family.


you people are my heroes. i haven't been able to think of the episode. so thank oh so much.
