Real-Life Counterparts...

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I'm a big fan of the show, I think it's sheer genious. Also I'm a fan of talk shows (except leno, I hate leno) since I was a kid. I was wondering if anyone know exactly who the main characters were modeled on and how much of the real person is in them. For example it's widely known that Artie is based on the late "tonight show" producer and friend of Johnny Carson, Fred Decordova. My question is how much of Fred is in Artie? did fred drink? did he fight in Korea(and kill a man hand to hand that reminded him of that she-devil network exec?)did he protech johnny from...everything?
Hank was based on ed mcmahon clearly and both would endorse any crap product, but was ed dim? and did johnny have no respect for him like larry to hank? was he in love with himself and imagine hinself a bigger star then he was?
Now, Larry I'm guessing is an amalgum of hosts but surely inspired mostly by johnny. but was johnny meurotic, vain, self-obsessed, feared confrontation, sics his producer on everyone and sleeps with all his female guests? Oddly I have read very little about the characters matching anyone if real life I imagine because of potential lawsuits in our ridiculous overly-litigious society. so anyone who knows for sure, knows any of the performers, has read autobiogrpahies, or just has an opinion, please speak up. I'm very interested in behind the scenes triva also.
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"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


The show was more satirical than anything, but no, I don't think Hank was totally based on Ed, just for the endorsing of everything under the sun. I've never heard any stories about Ed being dim-witted, or an egotistical prick, for example. Ed even makes a cameo at Hank's bachelor party.

From all reports I've read, Ed and Johnny were good friends. I know Ed appeared on Leno after Johnny's death, and had nothing but good words to say.

As for Larry, if you read "The Late Shift", you may actually notice some similarities between Larry and David Letterman. Both are highly insecure and self-obsessed, and can be A-holes when they want to be, but somehow do so in a charming way. Of course, there was a bit of recent controversy about Letterman being a womanizer at CBS. All in all, I think Larry is a slightly exaggerated, satirical version of Letterman, which could explain why the latter made so many cameo appearances. Carson was married a few times, and I believe he made light of his divorces on air, but I never heard about him dating guests.

One difference, also explained in "The Late Shift"...Letterman loved challenging authority, but moreso while at NBC. He also seemed to play innocent when in trouble, but didn't necessarily cower or send his producer in the way Larry did with Artie. Some of the book gets spoofed towards the end of season 2.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


thanks for the response. I have never read "the late shift" but maybe I should. I saw a tv movie by that name about the letterman/leno thing. interesting about letterman. I am a huge letterman fan. his cleverness and ability to handle any situation I thought made him a great host. never a panderer or an assailant. now that you mention it, I guess he was self-0bsessed. I can remember how he used to always ask paul how his tie was or how his jacked looked as he tried to adjust it. I always thought it was shtick but maybe he was just being self-effacing. certainly he cannot be considered a handsome man in the traditional way so I can't see him bedding down super hot models and actresses like larry did, but then again I suppose power makes you more attractive. actually shandlings looks are also equatable to Letterman, not traditionally good looking and somewhat off-beat. sanders did hate leno too so your comparison pans out there as well. thanks for you insights.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


After watching some of the special features and reading some other things online, I think Larry Sanders was based mostly on Garry Shandling himself.


Larry Sanders is a combination of various talk show hosts but is mostly an exageration of Gary's neurotic side. Arty is based somewhat on Freddie Dacordova, who was Johnny Carson's producer.

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