MovieChat Forums > The Larry Sanders Show (1992) Discussion > Similar shows from the 90' / Favorite Sc...

Similar shows from the 90' / Favorite Scene

I actually discovered this show on Netflix recently and killed all 6 seasons in a week or so. This has to hands down be one of my favorite shows of all time. I laughed out loud so many times which is something rarely do. The awesome 90's style, before the super uptight Political Correctness kicked in, pre 911, Monica Lewinsky jokes etc

I thought Jeffrey Tambor was cool in Arrested Development, but I have to say that he really stole the show here. Hank Kingsley has to be one of my favorite characters of all time. Tambors comedic timing and acting was just brilliant, perfectly played, no overacting.

One of my favorite scenes from the series had to be when Hank auditions for the Carol Burnett show and keeps saying Hey Now repeatedly.

That being said, are there any shows that you recommend similar to this one? Especially older ones with ba 90's feel. Also I love shows where its uncensored and characters can say "*beep*" or whatever without being bleeped.

You know what the Queen said? If I had balls, I'd be King.


It's old school, but WKRP In Cincinnati has a similar feel and a similar setting. It's from the late 70's, but it was way ahead of its time.

Freaks and Geeks is from the 90's, it's only one season, but I think it's one of the best shows ever.


You should check out NewsRadio which was created by Paul Simms who was a Sanders writer. I believe it's all on Netflix too. Don't let people scare you off of season 5 either. Phil Hartman's death was obviously a huge blow to the show but practically everyone else involved in the show continued into Season 5 and it was surprisingly good, all things considered.

Another Sanders connection: Jeffrey Tambor was rumored at one point to be Hartman's replacement as his death occurred right around the time Sanders ended, though I don't think it was anything but wishful thinking.


+1 for NewsRadio. I cannot possibly express how great that show is.


Welcome to The Larry Sanders Show!

Well, one of the writers of the show went on to create another 90s sitcom, "Just Shoot Me", which was very good at its peak. I admit, it had many weak moments towards the end of its run. But it's another good workplace comedy with snarky humor and well-defined characters.

The writer is Steven Levitan, who also co-created "Modern Family".


My favorite scene is without a doubt when Hank meets the Wu Tang Clan. I could watch that all day and geniunely burst out laughing at its awkwardness everytime.

"Gotta say my favorite song is Shame on a"


hahahah! SourGreenapple42 is spot on, that was tv gold!

Hank: "I mean, I got parking tickets coming out my ass!"
