DVD Reviews?

I am ready to buy a DVD set, but none of the sites I have found have customer reviews and comments.

Can anyone tell me if the set sold by http://www.dvdrshoppe.com really missing the episode Requiem, or is it just a typo on the web page? If it is, are the extras (Blooper reel and Brandon Lee Pilot) good enough to compensate for the missing episode? There is no picture of the outside artwork, and since this set is 25 disks, and all other sites list 24, this seems to be different a set altogether.

What about the 24 disk set? Is the quality professional, or amature?



I think it hasn't ever officially been released on DVD.

Therefore you are looking at buying bootlegs which could have all kinds of problems like wrong episodes or missing episodes or parts cut out of episodes, video/sound problems, or anything else under the sun.

Better to wait for an official release I say, although that may never come.


At this point, really, all we have are bootlegged episodes. I have about 70 episodes on videotape, and edited for commercials. I taped them all off of TNT, and left them in the order I caught them, right before it went off of the air. Yes, they have those little logo bugs in the corner, as well as the "Next: Psi Factor! Later: Witch Blade!" I've never seen the pilot episode. Should I hold my breath for the day that will never come? Maybe it would be worth it to me to drop a hundred bucks for someone else's copies if they are more complete than mine, being bereft of any other options.


But you don't know that the bootlegs you buy are more complete than yours. The bootlegs may even have content from an entirely different show on them that is not even Kung Fu. I've seen that happen on bootlegs of another show.

What you might wanna do is look online for torrents that are free to download or something like that, then if it's no good at least you are not out of pocket.

Also the TV stations in Canada often air this show religiously at all times of the day and night because the CRTC requires that a certain high percentage of everything Canadian stations air needs to be "Canadian content" and Kung Fu: TLC qualifies as this. And it seems they can buy reruns of it for really cheap. So if you have access to get Canadian TV stations like Showcase or Omni 1 and/or Omni 2 (formerly CFMT) then you might be able to tape all the episodes from there.



I live in California, so I don't get any of the Canadian channels, and with 70 edited episodes in my collection, I have spent all the time and energy on this project I wish to expend. The "You Never Know What You're Gonna Get" argument was the entire purpose of asking for reviews of the DVDs. All the same, I do appreciate the friendly advice. Thanks.


If anybody's interested,YouTube.com has several episodes posted.


I recently bought this set, had been thinking of it for some time but was put off by the price. However, it is deeply discounted now so I bought them.

I'd call the quality semi-amateur. Some of the episodes are from TNT and others from ShowTime or Showcase or something. All the episodes are there, in the order shown (so Requiem is 3rd from the last, having originally been aired out of order). Included are bloopers and a pilot for "The Next Generation."

Some of the episodes have a lot of pixillation and poor recording quality (may have been transferred from VCR -- there are parts where the tape slows, stops, then starts again). The editing is spotty -- some bits of commercials are left in, but not very often. It does not appear that sections of episodes were inadvertently cut. Many episodes play smoothly and well.

I'd buy a better set if it were available, but for the discounted price this was an OK deal, and it's great to actually have them on DVD. YouTube is difficult with a dial-up connection, and you never know whether things will stay on there.
