Why two seasons?

Why didn't they keep this show! I would have loved to see how things developed with Mrs. Slocombe and Mr. Multurd... and the other romances, of corse.




I was never really fond of Are You Being Served growing up, but I remember watching this when it was originally aired and thought it was excellent, and now have it on DVD!! I also wish they would have made more, but I know that shortly after they completed the series Mollie Sugden fell very ill for a long time, so I guess they couldn't continue! As it would not have been the same without her (And I am Unanimous in that!!!!)


In reading some book guides about AYBS! and this show, apparently Lloyd and Croft had mapped out or even scripted the third season! Unfortunatley it got cancelled. Loved to have read what they planned to do if the show would have gone further.


from memory, at the time wendy richards faced a bit of a tough choice - carry on with this, or go back to eastenders - she didnt have time for both.
cant say that's why it got cancelled but maybe it contributed.



John Inman did say on a PBS telethon appearance about five years or so ago that his and Fleur Bennett's characters were to "Walk down the isle" had the series continued. I would have loved to have seen how they were going to bring that about.


John Inman said that the head (he even mentioned the name) of BBC comedy section (or something like that) in that time didn't like it, and that was the only reason for canceling. And all cast was ready for third season.


Where abouts is it available on DVD??
I'd like to own a copy, though I haven't seen any in the Shops in Australia


I got the show on dvd from ebay. You can check there.


It was canceled before its time.

The AYBS cast fare very well in this new setting, they have more to do, and there are new opportunities for jokes along with the tried'n'true ones.

If anything, the music sometimes feels too corny, but - having finished both series at this point - can't deny it was axed when it shouldn't have been...


I agree - but also I think Billy Burden (Maurice Moulterd) died in 1994, and there was no real way of replacing that character - Burden owned that role, IMO.

I think they hit their stride by the middle of the first season, and it was really enjoyable - particularly since they still managed to treat each other as though they were still at Grace Brothers.

English MA: Symbolism/my life. "Truth vs the world" - Boudicca of the Iceni


Mr. Multurd...

Moulterd: M-O-U-L-T-E-R-D
