I miss this TV show

Disney isn't the same like it used to be and I'm in such a Disney nostaligic mode right now. I'm glad my mom still have all those Disney movies and Goof Troop VHS tape from when me and my younger brother and sister were kids.


I was never a big fan of this show, even as a kid. But it is very nostalgic and I'd rather watch it than a lot of current shows.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


When I was growing up, this and Quack Pack were the two afternoon shows that were shown the most. I wish I taped episodes when I was younger, but I found all the episodes online a year ago and I ca watch it anytime


I remember this show it was a great show they used to show it on the Disney channel in the early 00's.


I'm glad my mom still have all those Disney movies and Goof Troop VHS tape from when me and my younger brother and sister were kids.

byblaque108 » Mon May 26 2014 09:00:51

You're lucky  I've been disappointed a bunch of times where I'd think I still had a show like this on tape and eventually go to re-watch it only to find my parents had at some vague point in the distant past recorded over it with something else that they WERE NEVER GOING TO REWATCH! 

The worst part is that you can't even complain or give out, the argument literally goes: "YOU TAPED OVER MY SHOW!" "When? I haven't used a VCR in +10years."  Like even if it takes a lot of time, ya still come back to these shows 
