MovieChat Forums > Forever Knight (1992) Discussion > I just heard about this series

I just heard about this series

I was attending a writer's group meeting today and this show came up in the discussion. We also talked about the writing on the new Beauty and the Beast.

Please tell me more about this series.

I know that sometimes the US version will cut scenes to insert commercials, but is that the only difference or was it edited further? Would I miss something crucial viewing the US version?

Is the show still valid? Would you watch it if the reruns were brought back?


How much do you need to know? It's about a vampire cop (homicide detective) who's striving to become mortal again.

First season, U.S. was 41 minutes, Canadian was 48 or 49 minutes, Germany was 50-something minutes. Canadian's the way to go. The released DVD season one set has the U.S. part 1 of the pilot (no idea why) and Canadian version for the other twenty-one episodes. You can follow the plot with the U.S. version but obviously the Canadian version has longer/extra scenes at times. Germany added some T&A scenes to extend their version, as far as I know.

Season 2 and 3 had the same version for Canada and the U.S.

I'd watch the first two seasons in repeats now, but that's because I know how the show ends and how season three changes from the first two.

Check youtube before you decide, I'm sure there are bloopers, you can see the opening credits, you can probably see bits and pieces of episodes in fan vids and decide if it looks interesting to you.

Oh, and if you do watch and like it, there was a movie made in 1989 starring Rick Springfield as Nick Knight, set in L.A. (the show was set in Toronto), you might get a kick out of seeing the differences between the movie and the two part opener of the show, "Dark Knight". The movie was called, appropriately enough, "Nick Knight".


Thank you very much! Your reply was exactly what I needed to know. On my way to You Tube.


Don't listen to him about season three as it's worth your time as well. In some ways it was also better than the first and/or second seasons, and the series finale was perhaps the best series ending episode of any show I have ever seen. You can also buy the series at Amazon very inexpensively on DVD. It was a great show, I just wish it had a longer run.


I would recommend this series to everyone. Season 3 wasn't the best but overall just watch the whole series. Make up your mind for yourself. Watch it on iTunes or amazon. Trying to find season 3 on DVD is almost impossible and very expensive. Good luck and hopefully welcome to Forever Knight universe.


There is a website where there is a fanfiction that continues after the show ends. One of them has the story going where the final ep ended and the person wrote it did a very good job. Also one writer wrote a story where nick is in the 23rd century on voyager which I thought was good to. there was but account has been suspended. On the one where the story continued after series ended I don't remember who wrote it but look on the site and go through it and might find it.
