What is it like?

I've heard quite a bit about this show and was quite interested but am a bit unsure. Basically, what is it like? Does it focus more on drama aspects? Fantasy? Mystery? Horror? A mix? Are there any shows that are comparable (either in tone or theme)?
To give an idea of whether or not I'll like it, some of my favourite shows are Doctor Who (the classic series more, but the new one has it's moments), the old Quatermass serials, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me.
Any replies are much appreciated. Thank you.


When watching the show it reminds me a lot like Highlander.



A Canadian (syndicated) show, that's all I know.. and from what I remember its nothing like Buffy or Angel ..thank God. *rolls eyes*


Buffy (the series) was boring to me and Angel? only heard of it. guess It didn't seem appealing to me enough to bother watching it.


I've heard quite a bit about this show and was quite interested but am a bit unsure. Basically, what is it like? Does it focus more on drama aspects? Fantasy? Mystery? Horror? A mix?
First and foremost, it concentrates on the moral and spiritual implications of immortality, of living outside the confines of normal society, of having to do things humans would find immoral just to survive.

Secondly, I'd say it concentrates on relationships. The pivotal relationship is between the dysfunctional father-son, love-hate relationship between Nick Knight and the vampire who created him, Lucien LaCroix. Nearly as important to the series is the ill-fated romance between Nick and the human Natalie.

The third most interesting element of the series is the cutting back and forth between a current-day story (nearly always a crime story investigated by Nick Knight, police detective, and his human--doesn't know he's a vampire--partner) and a relevant experience from Nick's past (usually also involving LaCroix and LaCroix's other vampire sireling, Janette), ranging in era from the eruption of Mount Vesuvias and more recent decades and everything inbetween.

Each episode also has some fantasy elements in terms of Nick using his vampire abilities to solve crime, rescue people, and so on. Occasionally, an episode is mostly fantasy. The horror (as in creating any real fear in the viewers, showing extreme gore, etc.) is slight.

I hope this description intrigues you about the show. I'd say it's well worth watching. Part of its magic is how it inspires speculation about incidents and relationships not pictured. In its heyday, the Forever Knight fan fiction site was the most active on the net. Perhaps this was because the fans were a more cohesive group and didn't have as many splinter sites. But I remember if one did a Google search on "fan fiction," www.FKFanFic.com appeared first.

"I've always resisted the notion that knowledge ruined paradise." Prof. Xavier


Very good description of the show. I miss it. There were very few episodes that I didn't end up crying over. Nick's search for and desire to be cured and the pain of the crime victims and even some of the criminals was so masterfully written and portrayed.


