Mystery Song

I'm in a DESPERATE SEARCH for a song used in an episode [but is not on either CD soundtrack].

In the episode "Dance by the Light of the Moon" there is a scene where the strip club announces "Sexy Serena," and song is played, which sounds like Lori Yates (the singer of other songs in the soundtrack). The song is also played in "Love You to Death" as well.

But, for the life of me, I can't identify the song at all.
I can email a clip to anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about or can't find it in the episodes.

Does ANYONE know what that song is, and where I can find it?!

Replies appreciated.



Sorry this is not the exact answer to your question..just a possible hint.

The music specifically for this 2 episodes was composed and performed by Fred Mollin. Perhaps you need to find more about his works that did not appear on those 2 CDs. I also will keep looking for it :)

Just in case - Does anybody know a song used in an episode LAST ACT (background music in the part where Nick's driving to Raven and it also continues inside the club)? Perhaps it's just the soundtrack with no words (or perhaps we hear only the intro) Also it's not on CD's though it resambles song the Hunger. Thanks!


hi there, as a long time fan of forever knight and having both of the cds i think you guys might be looking for some songs that were not on the cds but were on the show in quite a few different episodes: there is a band called united state with 2 songs that played on the show called automaton & glass knight, i was searching for these songs night & day because i always just assumed they were by lori yates...but found a forever knight fan site that featured all the nigel bennett soundbytes & those 2 songs. here are 2 sites with some info that will maybe help :)




Does any Forever Knight fan out there know the name of the song Schanke is dancing to (with a vampire) in the season 2 episode "Close Call"?

I would appreciate any info.

Thank You


Yeah that song is called Glass Knight and its by United State. They had 2 songs that were used on Forever Knight, one is Glass Knight & the other is Automaton. They are a great band, not much is known about them.


DominoRose I'm also wanting to know what that song is. I hope you find it. Sometimes I've found songs by putting some of the lyrics in the search area. Hope this helps and that you find the song.


The song is called "Can't Stop Now" by Lori Yates. The song was never released to the public; it only exists in the compilation of music recorded for the show. It was not released on either of the show's CDs.

I've sent mail to Fred Mollin about this; I have not received a reply from him.

