MovieChat Forums > Flying Blind (1992) Discussion > If I Remember Correctly....

If I Remember Correctly....

The night this show was on, wasnt it a particularly cool line up for FOX? Wasnt it on the same night as "Herman's Head", "The Edge" and "Mad TV"?


All but Mad TV(hadn't been created yet)... Whoops! was the other show on that night... And I think Get a Life(Chris Elliot) was also on the same night.

George Bush doesn't care about black puppets.


It traded time slots Sunday night most of the season with The Ben Stiller Show.


I remember the show being on at 7:00 or 7:30 out here in LA. Fox was trying to beat 60 Minutes or something. Smart move. I loved this show, especially Tea's character.


I also remember a terrible show called "Oops" that was supposed to be a comedy about the survivors after a nuclear winter? Does that sound right?

Flying Blind was the original Dharma and Greg.

"I'm telling you, it's jobs. We gotta get jobs. Then we get the khakis. Then we get the chicks."


I think you are remembering an earlier series called "Whoops Apocalypse":


There was a show on Fox in 1992 called simply "Woops!" (sic). It was about a small group of survivors of an accidental nuclear war. It was pretty bad, and quickly disappeared. Here's a link:

"Whoops Apocalypse!" was a British 6-episode series from 1982. It was edited into a feature-length video, which I rented many years ago. Unlike the Fox show, it was about the events (mainly zany actions by world leaders) leading up to Armageddon. I recall that it wasn't very funny, but better than "Woops!".


I think it was Married with Children, Herman's Head, Living Color, then Flying Blind at the peak of Fox's Sunday Night line-up in the early 90's. Nice to see others pleasantly recall this show. The lead male actor always reminded me of a semi-hep Woody Allen.


I think there was also a show about a realestate office as well that had Ellen Degeneres as a wise craking office assistant. She was the best thing about that show.
Does anyone know if the title song was on any albums?


Actually, I think you are thinking of Herman's Head, with Yeardly Smith (of Lisa Simpson fame) as the wisecracking office assistant.

Interesting that Yeardly later went on to play a wisecracking office assistant on Dharma & Greg. LOL



No, Simon is right. It was a show called Open House with Alison LaPlaca and Ellen was the receptionist. It was a real estate office.

The show was a spin-off of Duet...Jack Lemmon's son Chris played Alison's husband.


I recall Fox's Sunday night schedule for a time being Married With Children at 9 PM, followed by Herman's Head at 9:30 PM and Flying Blind at 10 PM. I liked all 3 shows.


It's been 16 months since the question was asked, but since nobody's answered it, "A Million Miles Away" by David Byrne was off of his 1992 album "Uh Oh."



Yes, Ellen DeGeneres played that role, Margo, on "Open House" (1989). For details, click here: This show was a spin-off of "Duet". I couldn't tell you anything about the availability of the title song.

I think this may be the first time I've replied to a post over three years old, but I wanted to confirm that simonbecerra was correct, and not misremembering "Herman's Head".


I remember almost all of those shows lol. I was only 15 when Fox came out but I loved most of their shows as a kid.


I got my hands on these and it's great to see the interplay between Leoni and Parker again. The show was as good as I'd remembered.

From what I can piece together, taking a few minutes to look at some episode air date lists, Fox's Sunday night in the fall of 1992 was probably (Eastern Time)

7pm. . . In Living Color
7:30 . . Herman's Head
8pm . . . Married. . . With Children
8:30. . The Ben Stiller Show
9pm. . . Flying Blind
9:30 . . Woops

At the end of the episodes I've watched thus far, an announcer says something like, "Stay tuned for Woops, coming up next."

One thing I stumbled onto that I had forgotten was that as "late" as 1992, FOX didn't have prime-time programming AT ALL for much of the middle of the week. I don't think they had a Tuesday night line-up until 1993.

20 yr. anniversary coming up this fall-- it'd be hoped some decent quality re-release is forthcoming, but I ain't gonna hold my breath.


Yes, Ellen DeGeneres played that role, Margo, on "Open House" (1989). For details, click here: This show was a spin-off of "Duet". I couldn't tell you anything about the availability of the title song.

I think this may be the first time I've replied to a post over three years old, but I wanted to confirm that simonbecerra was correct, and not misremembering "Herman's Head".


please stop trying to make me feel old. I rmember all of this.

You don't know me.
You only think you do.


I took my time watching these, about a year, and recently finished the last one. It's entitled "The Long Goodbye." It's very likely they knew the show was cancelled.

Most of the episode titles (but not the the episodes themselves) were spoofs of current or recent movies, but I don't think this one was. "The Long Kiss Goodnight" wasn't released til a few years later.

I don't remember this episode at all. Did Neil and Alicia make it? (Well they almost always "made it") Ahh, heck-- I guess I better not spoil it. I'll just reiterate that these shows are certainly worth watching again, and remind whoever stumbles onto this that Flying Blind was a part of a new era in TV history, the dawn of original cable programming, and the beginning of the end of the total dominance of the big three networks. Plus it was just damned funny.


The good old days...
Flying Blind, Down the Shore, Herman's Head, The Edge and unfortunately Whoops. I did watch Whoops though.
Yes, Flying Blind paved the way for Ned & Stacy, Dharma & Greg and Will & Grace. None of those women had the wit and comic timing of Tea Leoni though. Ned & Stacy took some leftovers from Flying Blind. Down The Shore was as good as Friends when it started out before they butchered it. Herman's Head was a cool show. And The Edge, well it had Jennifer Aniston.

I think Fox should package these shows either for DVD or syndication.

"Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine." Patti Smith - Gloria.


God bless Herman's Head! The breeding ground for Hank Azaria AND Yeardly Smith
