is this show ever gonna be on dvd


i sure as *beep* hope so

i LOVE this cartoon + the terrible thunder lizards



Vote for it here and spread the word. If there's enough interest maybe we can get a petition going or something.



I hope it is, I hated the thunderlizards though, I wish they never cut out an episode of Eek for those dumb lizards.



I never thought the lizards were all that bad. Does anyone remember when they started doing Klutter? I have a vague memory of that happening late in the series. Definitely when Eek! jupmed the shark.....Or the shark-dog.

sorry. I couldn't resist.


Also, the first two seasons are up on suprnova if you have bittorrent.


one's under tvshows/cartoons and one is under tvshows/other.


Go to http://eekstinction.tvheaven.com/ and join in the petition there. the last update was a fair while ago, December 17 2003, to be exact. Hopefully we can round up enough support for eek. Also, vote at www.tvshowsondvd.com and maybe join http://www.eekthecatworld.com/forum


I want this on dvd too! An excellent cartoon!

- Jenn
* http://www.medialondon.co.uk


aw man i used to LOVE this cartoon and i still do...

Expert topic killer


The Terrible Thunderlizards ruled!

The Dinosaur version of The A-Team.

Free to catch the two humans...
Their gonna make your day.

Here comes Doc, Squat and Kutter.
You'd best get our ot their way.

Their Terrible Thunderlizards!
Their Terrible Thunderlizards!

Soon Adama, soon - Baltar.




Anybody notice that Bill and Scooter almost have the exact same dynamic that Spongebob and Squidward do? Hmmm, I'm thinking Eek and TTL had some influence.


haha i loved this show as well, i used to watch it all the time when i was a kid. i even named my own cat Eek, even though she was calico and not purple, but she was kinda fat...

ahah but yeah thunder lizards was great from what i remember. the only problem is the fact that eek and garfield were the same idea done differently, but that all came from heifcliff and that other cat cartoon... ahh, he had a magic bag or whatever, i forget.


This, Bobby's World and Life with Louie made my Saturday morning in the 90's. They were funny cause of teh kid humor but now I realize they were a lot smarter than i would've known then. I wish itd come out already but its probably been too long. no one remembers them.


I LOVE this show.. aww.. Nostalgia :)

nothing better to do? add [email protected] to your msn :)


The Show is out on Discount DVD here in Denmark. You might be lucky and finding it in a webshop.




I recently bought a DVD here in Norway at a really cheap prize, that's mainly because the DVD only includes four 20 min. episodes. It says Vol.2 on my DVD so i guess that means there must be another DVD(probably called Vol.1, HAH, ain't i the clever one?) The DVD contains three audio languages: Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. I have only seen the show in Norwegian. It is pretty good casted, although some of the voice actors make the characters more annoying than they should be. Aksel Hennie steals the show just like the Norwegian version of the Danish brilliantly violent animation movie: "Terkel i knibe". I still hope that the show gets released in season box sets.


Yeah, I have the norwegian dvds as well. I would've preferred a american box set with some extra features but it is better than nothing.


I second that. Although I only just remembered this cartoon when playing scrabble! Eek is a word! lol I loved Life with Louies Christmas episode that was the best!

Listen Lady! No one in this Family Barks!


I loved this show. From reading what some other Fox show creators have said, Fox is enormously tight with it's money. My bet is that Fox does not think it can make enough to release a dvd, hence, the holdup. This really sucks.

Hello, I like movies! :)



Register and download the Eek The Cat Revised Torrent and you would find ALMOST every episode.


I know a lot of people feel strongly about purchasing dvds that are not professionally produced, but I've given up on this ever being officially released. To those who are as desparate as I was to get this cartoon on dvd, warlockvideos.com has the full series in a set. The quality is good, it has similar quality to video tape. I haven't gone through and actually compared whats on the set to an episode list, but from just looking at it, it looks like they're all there, including the Thunderlizard episodes which was kind of a bonus (and they're grouped together on one disc so if you aren't crazy about the thunderlizards you can just skip that one). And so far the discs have played in all three dvd players (including the playstation 2) in my house. I'd still buy the dvd set if it were ever released to get a high quality version and bonus features but in all reality it doesn't look like it will happen.


Hey, thanks for the heads up, kittie7. Like you, I hate to purchase "bootleg" or foreign crappy copies. But when the original company won't produce something, you don't have a choice. Going through the same thing with "I'm in the Band". Disney cancelled it after 2 seasons and won't release it on dvd. EEK was awesome though, wasn't it? Looking forward to showing it to my now 16 year old son. He'll love it :)


I've missed this show so much! C'mon Fox get your crap together and release Eek!

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer
