The Edge clips

The quality varies but they are watchable.

Conservative, n: "A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others."


This is awesome, thanks!

Dominos biatch!
"I will eat your babies, bitch"


great, any clue where i can get a vhs or dvd with all episodes? :S



I had heard about this show through the internet, but never seen it before. After watching the episodes on YouTube, I actually didn't find this show to be that great, although pretty much everyone on IMDB is raving about it.


It wasn't that great. But for some reason I remember it. Mainly because of the later success of Aniston And Wayne Knight.


Thanks so much for the link! I had totally forgotten about this show until reading about in a post for Flying Blind.

Now I know where I remember the Jennifer Aniston sketch from - the one that shows the stark contrast of what really goes through a woman's mind when she takes a pregnancy test. Instead of just three letters for the test name it was called OMGITIKU, which stood for, "Oh My G*d I Think I'm Knocked Up." Just hilarious.
