
Hi everyone! I'm a fan from Sweden and I'm currently re-watching the show on DVD. But as much as I love it, I can't help but laugh at Ingrid and her fellow Swedes. Their Swedish is terrible. It's almost impossible for me to understand what they are saying to each other.

In these cases I wish they would hire real Swedish actors or just have the characters speak English with a Swedish accent. But I guess we can't have everything. ;)

Dennis Alexis


I think when this was made 25 years ago, they didn't think about how this show would be showing all around the world and people who actually speak Swedish would be watching. LOL Oh well, as you say, we can't have everything.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


Enig i det, skjønner ikke et kløyva ord unntatt når hun sa ut :-)


Yeah, it was really bad. But I guess that Wendy was right about that they didn't expect any real Swedes to watch the show, so they did not care about any accuracy about Swedish language and culture. So I somewhat understand how it happened, but it just comes across as laziness to a real Swede like me. It would have been so nice if they had hired two real Swedish actors to play Ingrid and Jon...

And I have similar feelings about the episode, where we find out that Hank is part Norwegian. Then his grandmother used a "Norwegian" surname (I believe it was "Lawsenstrom"), which sounds like a bad joke to a real Scandinavian like me. It would have been much better if they used the name "Larsen", which is the correct Norwegian equivalent of "Lawson"...

Intelligence and purity.
