MovieChat Forums > Catwalk Discussion > I got 10 episodes of the show, who wants...

I got 10 episodes of the show, who wants them?

I got 10 episodes of the show, they are on tape, but can put them on dvd, the quality is not bad, but its not HD, the reason is because i had the tape for more then 10 years now. the episodes include The Birth 1&2, First Gig, Here Today, Six Hip Hoppers & a Yo Babe, Life's Not Black and White, Toxic Love, Downtown, Mother's Day and Billy's Blues. i made lots of copies for everyone, the thing is it took me time to make copies and so fourth, so i'm just charging 10$ for it, its cheap, it's only 1$ an episode, plus 2$ for the vhs, because theres 2 vhs tapes to fit 10 episodes, or 4$ for 2 dvds. so heres my email "[email protected]" contact me, and u'll get ur episodes that u've been dreaming of. Names Mike.


hey man, sent you email :)


i will send you an email now, thanks!


hey i hope you still have the catwalk episodes i would love to have them please email me back and let me know



hey do u still have those episodes??? i would really love to have a copy.... i love the show it is a shame they took it off air.


I would LOVE to be able to get a copy of that! Thanks so much! You have no idea how much I've been looking for Catwalk episodes!


it would be awesome to have those episodes! Or my money back!!! I sent you the money, you obviously recieved it no problem. But I never recieved any dvd's. It would be much apprieciated if you would at least return any sort of message or reply to any of my attempts to contact you!!!!


