Very Underrated

Sure, most people will say it was a failure and a lame attempt to capitalize on the whole primetime adult oriented animation boom that began with the Simpsons but it was a pretty good show. It had good humor and had messages that it conveyed pretty well. They should release it on DVD.


Totally agree.


Man I used to hate the early 90's. Anytime a show came out that was animated it was assumed to be capitalizing upon the success of the Simpsons. Well, considering the first few seasons of the Simpsons absolutely sucked, the animation was terrible and it's controversy was highly overrated - I would have to completely disagree with the main review on this site. This show was entirely different. It was politically edgy and well done, acknowledged but didn't focus on "a family structure" and quite frankly was probably too smart for it's own good. As a fan of the Simpsons from say, seasons 6 - 12 (and the odd episode thereafter), I have nothing but respect for the show, but at least this show didn't pander. It was able to make a political point with humor, sans slapstick and general stupidity.


All I can say is if this show would of came out now it might have some chance, though instead of being seen as trying to capitalize on the Simpsons, it would be seen as trying to capitalize on The West Wing. The trouble was in 92 it was just the wrong time for a thought provoking show like this to hit. Some might say well this was because Consertive had control of the goverment but they be wrong, this was pre-94 take over so it was still a Liberal controlled house. So mainly it was just the fact that every network wanted to capitalize on the Simpsons and each one grabed for something edgey and when it did not pay off in big numbers they ran away from the show like chikens. Sadly before the advent of DVD's and iTunes which could of saved the show. This also was back when for the most part the idea of a cartoon taking on adult storie ideas was not as complace as it is now. Also in the early 90s it would seem no show could go long without touching on Guns, violent death of someone, and the toll of Drug use. Just remember this was the early hay days of the Vevery Special... on tv shows.


I was lucky enough to get a copy on DVD (curious what NPH was doing on this show)
and it was a fun watch.


Also in the early 90s it would seem no show could go long without touching on Guns, violent death of someone, and the toll of Drug use. Just remember this was the early hay days of the Vevery Special... on tv shows.

This was happening in the comics of the time as well. I remember quite a few early 90s Spider-Man/Batman/Superman/etc issues touching on gun control and the evils of drug abuse. The storylines were usually similar too(adolescent in troubled neighborhood get a hold of a gun and brings it to school).


I was 10 when this show aired and dug it and taped every episode, i even had a few of the BK meal toys

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"
