R.I.P. Rik.


The world is your lobster.


What the f]ck's going on? I mean... what the f]ck-f]ck f]ckety f]ck's going on?!?



*beep* Cnuty Bolluks. Just Gutted.
"Just my way of getting through the day, the samaritans were engagged"


sad loss

R.I.P Rik Mayall.....you were so much better than the sh**ty comedy of today

You'll be forever remembered.


So long Rik, creator of the greatest chat up line of all time.
'Might I just say what a smashing blouse you have on'.

Timeline? Time is not made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That's why clocks are round.


Alas, poor Rik Mayall,
A sign of comedy genius
Who's works proved way better than The Office
Without them, British comedy would be almost permanently dead
Rik would not want our tears to be shed
With you, our memories shall stick
We shall miss you Rik
