Information on Mo


I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the character that Siobhan Remond portrayed, Mo Connell.

I am studying Gay/Lesbian characters at university and the character of Mo was one of the first lesbians to be portrayed on BBC.

If possible, how was her character handled? Was it a sensitive and meaningfull character.

Much appreciated on any news.



As I remember the character was portrayed repectfully, although the drama did not really explore much of her life beyond police business. Her partner didnt really appear much in the program except to show how work got in the way of the relationship. A lot of the drama was the dynamic beween the three main cops, and the brusque Tom Georgeson character was noticeably relaxed with her-an upending of macho stereotypes and a cue for the audience that her sexuality was not a cause of tension in the scenario . One episode on domestic violence however gave her character the chance to voice a more feminist criticism of the law than her colleagues. She is also the only main character to survive the last episode...

A lot of that drama was about confounding audience expectations (they seemed to lose the case every week) One episode for example, portrayed (straight) sexual discrimination from the viewpoint of a right wing, Thatcherite woman designed to wind up liberal audiences! The lesbianism was less sensationalist than the Brookside story because it was always subservient to the themes of political corruption that the show kept returning to.

Interesting series all round really-similar (but slightly better) than Spooks, which had the same writers.


Thank you.

Much appreciated for the information!!


Loved the episode (Series 2?) where Mo turned up at an official Police Dinner/Dance function with her new girlfriend partner. Harry turned to Supt. Clark and said 'Well, she has got balls.' - to which Clark replied 'That's the trouble, she hasn't...!'


I'm a bit confused. In season 1 she was clearly gay but in season 2 she had a boyfriend?


At the beginning of Season 2 Mo did indeed have a boyfriend, much to the consternation of just about everybody. It didn't last. He stomped out and Mo met Kate a few episodes later.

There were lots of hints dropped in Season 1 about her sexuality.

I still chuckle over Tony's quip "I hope she has better luck with women than I do!"
