my favorite episode

My favorite was the one about Oliver Stone Land. It was like an amusment park run by Oliver stone. It was hilarious! It had a "Doors" ride, that you rode in a bathtub. and "Platoon, the musical" oh my god it was messed up! I also loved all the U2 parodies that he did. That show was freaking great man! they should bring it back!

"It's like how black can this be, and the answer is none. None more black"


The U2 paradoies are absurdly funny. Ben Stiller's characterization of Bono is one of the funniest interpretations of a human being that there has ever been(I worked on that line for a while-I wanted to sound smart, lol).

None more black...HAHA!

But these go up to 11.


I like the Grungies bit, it was just funny seeing the Monkees turned into Seattle Grunge musicians and have it work. "You charged 50,000 dollars in Chinese food? Oh, Tork, you know you're just going to be hungry in an hour."

Anything with Manson in it was great, 901200442, Counting with Bruce... 1,2,3,fourh, five, eh, uh, eh....


At Oliver Stone land...the objective is not to escape...but confront! lol.
