Most Disliked Episodes

As indicated, just list the episode/s you really disliked.
I personally hated "Tale of the Chameleons." What was the writer thinking? I also despised "Tale of the Mystical Mirror."


I honestly thought the tale of the full moon was awful lol. Horrible acting, ugh.

The kid in it was kind of cute though.

You might wanna put on a bathing suit cuz you'll be channel surfin in no time!



Renegade Virus.- Just a stupid episode with a crappy silver braniac.

Bookish Babysitter. Weak episode in general. Not scary.


How can you not like "Tale of the Chameleons"? I have heard most people say they loved it and it may be my favorite episode. It was a more mature story with a rare bad ending, it had hot actresses who went on to do other things after AYAOTD. I can only think that maybe you saw it too young and were sensitive to scary things at that age and it traumatized you a bit as a kid. I live fish was eaten and there were a couple other things that may be very scary to a child, so I can understand a bit if that was the case.


That or it just wasn't his/her cup of tea.

There a number of episodes like that in the series.


The Tale Of The Hungry Hounds. About the only episode I care to never rewatch ever again.


Time Trap with the white haired Genie, SOOOOOO not scary whatsoever.


Yes, I totally agree novastar_6.


The Tale of Locker 22, Frozen Ghost, and Hungry Hounds


I've heard people call The Tale of Old Man Cocoran (sp?) a good episode...the idea is OK, but man, the acting has got to be the worst in the entire AYAOTD/Goosebumps/Eerie Indiana/So Weird bunch. The two main kids are pretty bad, but the leader of the dead kids and the "tough" girl are a whole new level of terrible.


The Tale Of The Sorcerer's Apprentice is another I'm not a fan of. That one and The Hungry Hounds I care to never re-visit. I remember as a kid when I'd catch the show on Nick and I'd groan whenever either of these two played.


I always liked The Sorcerer's Apprentice. The Hungry Hounds didn't seem to get played much in the 90's. It isn't the most memorable early episode, but I still like it.


I like The Hungry Hounds too, mostly because of the eerie atmosphere. The actual story is weak but the whole episode just feels creepy as hell.


I liked "Tale of the Chameleons". What I hated was that they were iguanas! Not chameleons.

