THis movie sucked!

I am a huge huge fan of "so stupid theyre funny" movies. I cant get enough of them! But this movie was just plain f'n stupid. I dont see how anyone could have gotten any laughs from this waste of space movie!



Yeah, I must admit, I liked it. It truly is one of those guilty pleasures. It was just so bad that I couldn't take my eyes away from it. At the beginning, when the woman put the little dog in the microwave, I thought I was going to lose it. Just way to funny.

It is sometimes better to live in Hell then it is to live in Heaven.



Go back and rewatch it, this time with your eyes open. The movie is enjoyable for people that aren't lame.


I thought this film quite astutely captured a distinctly male adolescent obsession with all things gross, vile, and disgusting. The popular urban legends about the dead rat in the bucket of fried chicken and the poodle exploding in the microwave in particular were spot-on sidesplitting.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
