Why cows?

Do the cows mean something specific to the Basques?


I happened to see this online, maybe this helps

"...The title of this film, “Vacas”, means cows. Medem is asking us to stop and consider, for a moment, just how foolish we humans must appear to a cow that looks on in wonder as we slaughter one another with rifles or swords. Medem asks us to take the cow’s perspective of things by repeatedly shooting scenes from the cow’s eye or with a cow standing nearby, watching. They stand passively, munching on the grass, periodically dropping dung, contentedly adhering to nature’s plan. Periodically, the bestial bovines look up and see a horde of insane primates, lined up in a trench, slaughtering their own kind or being slaughtered instead. Manuel makes the choice to think and be like a cow and to paint them in all their pastoral glory – to forsake the madness of his fellow man. He willingly tells Christina that he is mad (by human standards) – that he lives on the other side of some great divide. We all have to ask: Who’s crazy? Manuel and the cows that live harmonious, gentle, contended lives or the war-waging elements of human society?

Medem also illustrates the issue of the unnaturalness of irrational hostility on a more personal scale – feuds and vendettas. Juan tries to isolate his sister from his neighbors, because of his envy and bitter sense of rivalry. Nature, however, will have its way. Catalina and Ignacio are drawn to each other irresistibly, by sheer animal magnetism. Does a stud bull ask the cow what clan she belongs to before humping her? What her politics are? What her religion is?..."


Pull the udder one.
