The Bliss

Sainte Colombe and Marais are, as music writers, among the very greatest artistic benefactors of poor humankind, and if you read this I guess you already take some interest in their art; TOUS LES MATINS DU MONDE [César du Meilleur Film Français 1992] is the movie I love most, and it offers some delicious and truly, genuinely dignified music by SAINTE COLOMBE, Marin MARAIS, Jean-Baptiste LULLY, François COUPERIN and Jordi SAVALL—true bliss, and one of the few blisses—such as religion, sexuality and the finest literature—the poetry, a few novels, a few diaries—are able to give. I was 28 yrs when I have firstly seen Corneau’s masterpiece—and it has shown me a path in art.

Hollywood films are by nature cheesy
(Lawrence Gage)
