biggest plot hole

I know this movie leaves a lot of questions unanswered and it is either due to poor story development or a loose plot. My main issue with this film was the progress of the investigation that led up to tracking Thelma and Louise. They must be the world's smartest cops because what they find out in a couple of days could take weeks or even months in the real world.

IMHO the trail they left was pretty cold. It was only by one plot contrivance after another did the police catch them. I understand how shooting Harlan was supposed to be connected with a similar crime from Louise's past but how it was uncovered just seemed forced (somehow they managed to get witnesses who saw the green Thunderbird (at night???) even though one of dozens of cars could have been the getaway car). And then J.D. was arrested, that is how they found out about the money, but why was he arrested?

I know this is supposed to be a feminist hit-and-run/road trip movie, but I had a hard time believing in these efficient, omniscient police, it made the whole thing look ridiculous.


It would be real easy to find them:

Bar location, surely they were not isolated in the parking lot. People may have seen them come in, leave, or drive off crazily. Someone may have seen Thelma dancing with him all night and saw her walk out with him. Another may have said they saw them leaving in X car, another could have said they saw them pull in to the parking lot. This was the 90's not 40's they have camera's around as well.

Louise and Themla locations were known by other people:
Jimmy told agents about bringing money to Louise and identified JD through a photo line up.
JD told agents Thelma said he should look her up if he gets to Mexico.
Thelma robbed a store and they had surveillance, so obviously they knew where that location was.
Louise stayed on the phone to long and the tap picked up location.
They destroyed a rig and the trucker easily could have given a car and person description.

JD was a hitcher so he likely did not get far before he was picked up. Having a description, possibly his robbery MO was known or he robbed another store.

They may have travelled back roads and hid pretty well but Jimmy added pieces, JD some more, the robbery another, and the phone call was the catalyst. Blowing up the truck probably gave them a greater idea of the area.
