How it should have ended...

Before Dark Fate was released, they should have re-released this with an update.

Final scene:

Arnie's T800 turns to John and Sarah and informs them that to make sure that Skynet never comes into existence, he must sacrifice himself by lowering himself into the vat of molten metal.

John Connor cries out in anguish, having bonded with his protector over the course of their high-adrenaline chase and adventure. Sarah Connor clutches her son. She gives the T800 a grudgingly nod to thank him for all that this cyborg has done for humanity and for being a protective father-figure to her son..

The T800 lowers himself into the molten metal. As he starts to dissolve, he gives them a thumbs up, a sign of their mutual victory over the T1000 and the dark future he came from... a dark future that will no longer exist thanks to their efforts.

Credits roll... and then there is a post-credit scene...

John and Sarah are enjoying themselves three years later at a beach in Mexico. Suddenly, ANOTHER T800 walks out of the crowd, pulling out a handgun. BLAM-BLAM-BLAM!

Sarah screams as bullets rip into her son. He falls to the ground, clearly dead.

The T800 drops the gun, turns and walks away...

I think this movie would have been so much better if they had tacked on the opening from DF. Then DF could simply have started its story in our present just as it does.


A franchise-killing, sequel-ruining ending? In Hollywood?


Suck a bag of rocks!


Arnold should’ve tackled the t-1000 into the molten metal.

The lowering thumbs up thing was lame.


I know now why you cry.


meh, it is and isnt. problem is tone.

you want that payoff of a big emotional sendoff for the t-800.. but you dont really get it if you just have him tackle t-1000 and it end suddenly


Maybe have John do a slow motion “noooooooo”. Worked for Luke.


Arnold should’ve tackled the t-1000 into the molten metal. The lowering thumbs up thing was lame.

I disagree. Frankly I am glad that didn't happen cause it probably would've devastated 6 year old me more than how it did. It also would've ended too abruptly. Unlike you I like that scene where John yells at the Terminator not to go and they end up hugging.


Whats the difference if its a post credit scene at the end of T2 or the beginning of Dark Fate?


Actually, I'll bounce that question back to you. What's the difference in your mind? Perhaps there's no difference? Would your answer change based on when you first saw T2 and your attachment to it?


I enjoyed Dark Fate, more so than T2. Loved the diversity and the female empowerment displayed in Dark Fate


That's not an answer to the question...


The OP's suggestion for the ending would have wrecked the triumphant feeling of the ending as it plays out. It would have been a major downer....ending the movie in which they went through ALLLL that, only to have John get killed at the end anyway.


Exactly this...

The opening of DF guts everything about the emotional ride of T2, including that sacrifice by the T800, John's pain and Sarah's grudging acceptance that sentient machines can have a soul of sorts.


Yeah, ‘cause T2 had no female empowerment. Neither did Aliens.


They did. But not enough for my liking


Yeah, let's ruin a classic so that we can mildly improve a piece-of-shit cash in sequel thirty years later.
