1 thing I didn't get: the mini-Ooze canister?

From what I remember The Shredder gets disarmed by Keno (the large canister which Perry takes), and Keno gets pushed by Raphael into the Shredder knocked out the 2nd mini canister which he threatened to douse a female. So how did he mutate unless he took some of the mutagen days before, which I doubt, so maybe he had a 3RD CANISTER hidden in his costume?


Wouldn;t worry about it too much mate, this movie is a sham to the Turtles name.

I can enjoy it, but it does not match up the 1st movie in any way.


I was just pleased that his costume also mutated. Ya know, for continuity


I've repeated that part over and over and I atleast DO NOT see the mini-canister of ooze get knocked out of Shredder's right hand when Kino is 'pushed' by Raphael into Shredder. I see Shredder's hand whip back but I don't see the canister fly away. So the way I see it is Shredder held onto it ever after he was blasted away with the speakers so he used that on himself.

What I wanna know is how did Shredder still have a FULL BIG CANISTER of Ooze at the construction site towards the end when the Ooze was supposedly used to make Toka and Raza? That canister was the same one that that was stolen at the beginning which was suppose to be the LAST CANISTER.
