Two Things I Did Not Get

The first thing...

Not far into the movie, the Turtles head for TGRI. So, okay... They search around. Bam. Foot soldiers, lead by Tatsu, enters. Why? Wasn't their only mission at the time getting the damn ooze and bringing it to the Shredder? Just why the hell would they so randomly risk the Turtles getting a hold of it? That doesn't make much sense... And they just left the place without doing much.

...Or wait, was this to lure the Turtles to them? Even if that wasn't the main mission.

The second thing...

Why did they make the anti-ooze into... cubes? Couldn't they make something more subtle, like mixing it into the dough? Or could that ruin its effect?

Just don't get it.

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton


They were both after the ooze and got their at the same time



The Foot was there before, as they grabbed the last ooze and kidnapped the doc. They could have been long gone by the time the Turtles got there. That's what confuses me, seeing as their only mission at the time was getting that ooze to the Shredder.

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton


^True, but maybe the foot returned to set-up the turtles so they could kill them right then and there since they knew the turtles would be after the ooze.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You Complete me!"- The Joker


Yeah, that sounds like a legitimate reason. However, as they never showed such a decision or order being made, it will still remain a bit of a mystery to me. Yeah, I know, they don't have to show EVERYTHING. But that action went against previously given orders. Makes it weird if they don't let us know that they changed their intentions.

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton


I think the real explanation was that they wanted an excuse for the turtles to fight the foot for a long time. Plus, Tatsu doesn't seem to be all that intelligent. Maybe he didn't realize that it wasn't in his best interest to stick around and whack the ooze back and forth.


I think it was Tatsu's idea to attack the turtles to prove the foot clan was still great since his idea was to rebuild them from the start. I don't think he approved of using mutants as much as Shredder did.

As far as the cube thing, it's Michaelangelo's idea, of course it's gonna have a flaw to it.


Tatsu was probably trying to get some clout with the shred-dude, sticking to the old ways of building the foot clan, instead of shredder's idea of relying on the mutants. Tatsu was more traditional, and Shredder was more idealist.


In answer to your second question, the antigen was frozen into ice cubes. They mention ice cube trays and when Rahzar crushes the donut the thing that comes out in his hand is an ice cube.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"
