The pyramid thing in the TGRI headquarters.

I read that the pinkish blob inside the pyramid (You get a decent shot of it when Perry is disposing of the first ooze canister) it being interpreted as being a cameo Krang or Utrom. Kind of hard to get a clear shot of it when watching the movie again (I was curious to see what was being referenced, I never really noticed it before when I watched this as a kid). Still not really sure what it is or isn't, can't get a clear look at it even when pausing.


It definitely looks like a giant brain. Really it couldn't be anything else. Though I haven't heard that it's a Krang ref. You have a link to the source? If it is a Krang ref it's fail, Krang is from another dimension, not a lab experiment.

Just drivin aroundddd, in Jon Voight's carrrr.


Nice find!

I too think it's a Utrom cameo. If they filmed that there is the chance they filmed the original ending too.


perry was originally suppose to be an utrom body but they deemed that kids would confuse it with krang and they thought it was disturbing to have the brain creature in his stomach

but seriously they confused the *beep* out of kids by making tokka and razhar instead of just simply doing bebop and rocksteady, i mean they were just as dumb
