Anyone know why Josh Pais didn't reprise his role as Raphael

Does anyone happen to know why Josh Pais didn't reprise his role as Raphael in this movie? I have seen it a million times and until now I had no idea it was a different actor for the suit and the voice.
If anyone knows the answer to this it would be apprecciated, thanks!


Pais hated wearing the turtles suit due to severe claustrophobia so that may have been why he didn't return. Ironically claustrophobia is used as plot device for Casey Jones in the movie.



Corey Feldman had problems with drugs at the time and wasn't able to reprise Donny in this. After he cleaned himself up he returned for TMNT 3.

Elias Coteas wasn't re-cast because with the change in direction for the sequel to be more kid friendly they decided they wanted a younger sidekick and chose Ernie Reyes Jr who was Donny's stunt double in the first film because everyone was so impressed by him.



It wasn't until recently that I even realized Raph had different voice actors. His replacements did great jobs. It was obvious Donny had a different voice in this but it's never bothered me because both voices seem to fit well for him.

I loved Hoag and Coteas together, they had great chemistry but also thought Paige Turco did a tremendous job in the role also and I was really disappointed that she and Coteas got exactly 2 seconds of screentime together as April and Casey in TMNT 3 with no indication if they were still together or not. Coteas was wasted in part 3 as the Wit character. Don't tease us with Casey Jones returning only to do nothing with him but babysit.



Hey Josh Pais did do the voice of Ralphael, It sounded just like him.

