Baby You Looking at...

a $25 lotto winner! says roach.
not at all anywhere NEAR funny as other scenes but it cracks me up!
what are some lines or scenes you like?

brush your breath,brush your breath,brush your breath with dentyne.


percy:"oh,your woman? she right here with me,getting my cookies,& in a few she gonna be getting my ding dong."
that face he makes after making that comment & holding the phone away from his face laughing,makes me laugh everytime.
that might not be exactly what he says,but I'll fix it later if it's wrong.

& when big is punching dukie in the stomach lifting him off the floor,& the way dukies hair looks after big beats him up!

popeye has ate his spinach


"You know I was in Vietnam, and I'm bout to go back"!
