Blonde chick

What's the name on the tall blonde girl who enters the prison van with Rebecca? She also dances in the prison courtyard. She's hot


Bibiana Fernandez, also acted under the name Bibi Andersen. I agree, she is stunning!


What's the name on the tall blonde girl who enters the prison van with Rebecca? She also dances in the prison courtyard. She's hot.
Bibiana Fernandez. I agree that she is very striking.

It's good to see people being more open and sensitive about their attraction to transgender women.


Didn't know she was transgender. Shes gorgeous. I definitely would ;-) ... Lol!


Didn't know she eas transgender. Shes gorgeous. I definitely would ;-) ... Lol!
Thanks for not getting offended by my comment, not that you should have been of course (but many would).

I've spoken to a few transgender women on this site so I'm particularly conscientious about being respectful and making sure I don't say anything inadvertently offensive (not that I would intentionally seek to say anything offensive here or outside of the IMDb about transgender individuals).

But to go back to your point, judging by those pictures of Ms Fernandez in 'High Heels' she is definitely good-looking, although in all honesty (and apologies for causing any unintended offence) I'm still not sure how I feel about finding a transgender woman sexually attractive. Maybe that's my problem, and I hold my hands up if that's the case, but without offering any excuses, I do suspect that it's a widespread one that even the most liberal and open-minded people have.


well i have never met one. and admittedly on any film there are lights and make up to make anyone look hot so who knows lol


The only 'giveaway', if it could even be called a 'giveaway', was that Ms Fernandez is particularly tall, which is arguably one of the reasons she's so striking. Not many non-transgender women tend to be so tall.


Didn't know she was transgender. Shes gorgeous.

Gorgeous yes, but I find it hard to believe that you didn't know that was a transgendered woman.


I'm easily distracted by beauty. What can I say? 😀
