MovieChat Forums > Suburban Commando (1991) Discussion > Most overlooked film of our time?

Most overlooked film of our time?

I think so.



Hulk Hogan is the finest actor of our (or any) time period. The fact that he has not won the Oscar for lifelong achievement astonishes me.


Maybe a lifetime achievement award at the next Razzies! Haha.

Seriously - Hulk Hogan isn't THAT bad of an actor considering other athletes who try to act...the problem is - he picks the most insanely asinine movies imaginable! That said - I actually like this movie!

But look at Santa With Muscles, Mr. Nanny, No Holds Barred, That really bad 3 ninjas sequel. Yeah, I actually look forward to Hulk Hogan movies...knowing how bad they're gonna be.

Anyone who a VC
Anyone who stands a well-disciplined VC



He's classic... he's the Rock Hudson of wrestling. Hmmmmmm... yeah that's what I meant.


No, Hulk Hogan is awful!! Not to mention the casting directors dont help much by putting worse actors around him!!


yeah, he's a terrible overactor. question: is his nanny movie funny in the same way as this? i have never got around to seeing it and am considering if its worth it. thanks


I suggest you watch Mr. Nanny for the laughs - both intended and unintended. But I must warn you ahead of time - once you see Hulk Hogan in a giant pink tutu - you're never quite the same again.

Anyone who a VC
Anyone who stands a well-disciplined VC


"burt, care for a cup of tea...a watercrest sandwich perhaps?"


The Rock Hudson Of Wrestling!!!!!


I think their are hidden depths to this film that compliment the writings of Aristotle, Plato and Socrates in its' commentary on the trials of man.
I think it is safe to say that this film should be included in any viewing of Citizen Kane, such is its' magnificence and relevance to the nature of man.


I've loved this movie since I was either 4 or 5. It's one of my favorites!!!


There are good reasons why its overlooked!

Its that man again!!
