Really Martin?

Beautiful wife inside and out, not a gold digger and truly loves you so you beat her every chance you get. Martin pissed me off so much when I saw this at twelve I'm twenty five now and still hate his character not the actual was sad honestly, I doubt it mattered if everything was perfect something would always pop up and enrage him. Sad how he felt he owned her life, never letting her leave and a sex slave honestly. He hits her when the sailor mentions that she was staring out the window. Wtf those windows were huge she loved the beach where else should she have looked idiot. That hit was so realistic the rage on his face her scream and the way she says"aah" almost silently I actually cried watching it a few months back. Then he kicks her in the crotch like kicking a dog once its down. Then says oh you'll sulk, and spoil our beautiful supper. Oh I wanted to whip not whoop his azz. Then asks if she wants anything from the store when he heads into town. Azzhole.the gift was for him not her you could tell she doesn't want to consummate in the scene b it ultimately relents and fakes pleasure. Its just crazy how he was and I was so happy when he thought she had drowned, and you notice he yells she can't swim, yet never blames himself or seems to regret his decision forcing her to go, just more like he lost his property. She cooked cleaned and was so sweet and seemed to adore him at one point. I liked his they did the opening and the way he showed so much kindness and tenderness, when opening the door when back from party, and telling her he can change when she gets sand on his suit.but after going back as adult and watching again, I realize their were hints something was off. The way she easily agrees to go to party and dig shells another time even though she had been out there obviously taking time to get them Then the way she apologizes for messing up his suit. I thought well his azz walked on the beach with a suit who's fault is that. Anyways, the way she wears different dress he suggests. Then the way he grabs her knocking fruit down to have sex. Then pulling her into bathroom just to fix a towel to align with the others. You know something is coming. Then he turns to a truly scary man when he hits her with all his might it looks like.then you realize her attitude is something she has learned to keep up like a mask. An abused woman who is still happy and understands that she has to be perfect and do what martin expects and be grateful for such a wonderful life he has given her. Underneath, a broken, frightened, depressed,lonely woman whose only purpose in her life is to please martin. She seems to not eben have her own dayumnnn car.after fleeing and settling in in her new life we see the real her. Sweet, genuine, loving, and vulnerable and a person who wants a life of her own, truly happy with Ben being relieved that he didn't run or judge her and helps her see her mother and is supportive and she can finally let herself admit that martin really hurt her more than physically but emotionally. Martins trifling azz on the other hand, he had more than one mask. The first was to the outside a successful man with a trophy wife, and intelligent investment counselor. The second was the loving caring considerate protective husband. The third a neat freak, abusive, dictative prick.the real man underneath, an obsessive, psychopathic violent calculating murderer who would kill laura. Ben, and her mother if he couldn't get what he wanted.I was so glad he died. The way that camera pans on his dead body at the end was priceless. Overall I felt that martin would eventually beat laura to death over time and abuse the child if they had one together in front if the kid. I think he controlled that also having a baby would take lauras attention, and ruin her figure in his eyes. This film is great and disturbing over time.


I agree with a lot of your post. (You should break it up into paragraphs though, its a little tough to read). You should put a *spoiler* warning in the topic line too, in case some people visiting haven't seen the film yet.... yet still are interested in your topic.

I recently learned that the reason that Laura yells so convincingly when she is kicked by Martin is....Julia was really kicked by Patrick!
There was a stunt pillow near her body, and the actor missed it...and really kicked her. So the reaction was evidently real.

I agree that the film took great pains to show details while at the beach house.
The way Laura looks scared for just the briefest of seconds, when Martin says good morning to her at the opening when she breathes in relief that he is not mad about sand on his suit (even though he was the one that hugged HER), and the look of sadness, hope & some affection left, on her face as he walks away from the beach.
You can tell how she had loved him, and wishes he would change for good.

The ironic part of Martin getting so angry about Laura looking out the window is, she was never even really looking AT the neighbor John Fleishman at all.
Not even casually. She was looking at his BOAT, and thinking about whether her escape attempt might work if Martin asked to take a sail.

Laura probably had her own car, but that wouldn't mean much. She couldn't use it to escape any more than any other method of transportation, as we saw.
Martin was one serious psychopath jackass. He had EVERYTHING. Yet ruined it for what, power?!
I know its just a film, but there are plenty of people like him.
I'll never understand people like that. He's so lucky to have all he has.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
