MovieChat Forums > The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Discussion > How is this not also a Horror film?

How is this not also a Horror film?

When it has many scenes and imagery that surpass the horror or terror in many Horror films?

No film is any one genre.

I'd say this is a Thriller-Horror or Horror-Thriller.


Hollywood has this cold shoulder for horror, sci-fi and fantasy-fiction. If they find films worthy of more than a money making vehicle they have to distance the film from these genres as well as they can. Look at how Hollywood treats films like The Exorcist, A Clockwork Orange or Lord of the Rings... three films that fit these genres just fine but you'll never see them mentioned as one of these three genres in the official Hollywood circuit.

Having a horror film be a serious Oscar contender would be like a real heavy metal or punk artist having a shot at Artist of the Year in the Grammys. As punk and metal made real in-roads with the wider music listening public we had to hear that the popular bands weren't really punk and metal, they were alternative. The larger music business community didn't want to be associated with the subcultures of punk and metal so they made a new label to encompass them and alienate those who didn't have a problem with being punk and metal.

Granted, most of the people involved in these various subcultures are happy to break from the lame-stream versions of their respective genres but they're not the same people who ofter the mechanism for this separation.


I wouldn't include The Exorcist as an example, I would say it was definitely marketed as a horror film and remains within that genre today. I don't think there was ever any denial there.


Horror movies, as the word "horror" denotes, are meant to arouse horror or fright. This movie was more mystery, suspense, or drama than horror.


Were you supposed to feel suspense when Clarice was walking in the asylum or when Buffalo Bill talked to his victim?


Yes -- suspense as in nervousness, anxiety, uncertainty. Those feelings are not as intense as horror, fright, dread, dismay, anguish (which horror movies invoke).

Silence of the Lambs is mystery / drama / suspense.


How? How are the basement scenes not intense?


Absolutely not horror. Horror usually involves the supernatural to one degree or another.


"Horror usually involves the supernatural to one degree or another"

Not really, unless you only watch horror movies about haunted houses or people being possessed.


Horror usually involves the supernatural to one degree or another.

You're forgetting about sci-fi horror and plenty of slashers.


Horror movies, as the word "horror" denotes, are meant to arouse horror or fright. This movie was more mystery, suspense, or drama than horror.

It seems to me it's trying to arouse horror and fright about as much as anything else.


Horror elements, but it's more of a psychological thriller than anything.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Seriously, there's no firm definition of a horror movie. A supernatural element is not required.

Psycho, Strait Jacket, The House on Haunted Hill, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre definitely qualify as horror movies. No ghosts, demons, vampires, etc. were involved in any of them. The question of whether SotL is a horror movie is at least arguable, while to claim that it is a romantic comedy is not.

I disagree with what you are saying, but I will fight to your death for your right to say it;-)


The reason this is not generally considered a horror movie is quite simple.

Just about every single movie contains multiple elements that fall within the category of a defined genre. Some more than others. So it's pretty simple: which element is the predominate element, not just in quantity, but in overall impact? Once you get your answer, you then classify that film as such. Not that the filmmakers need to ask; they of course know what kind of film they intend to make.

Silence Of the Lambs has a few moments of light comedy, but it wouldn't be classified as a comedy since those moments are so sparse and not nearly as impactful as the dominating suspense and thriller and dramatic aspects.

Same goes for the horror elements. While there surely are moments of horror in this film, they are not the driving force of the film. The drama and suspense (thriller) aspects are what move the story, because that is obviously where the filmmakers put most of their emphasis.

Clarice's own personal struggle, her determination in her assignment and solving the case, and her relationship with Lecter are what drive this film, none of which are inherently horrific.


If this is a horror film then Manhunter, Se7en and Zodiac should be considered horror films as well.


If this is a horror film then Manhunter, Se7en and Zodiac should be considered horror films as well.

Good point, CyberpunkCentral.

While those films do have elements of horror, they are not the dominant elements, therefore they are not singularly classified as horror films.


How is The Silence of the Lambs more horror dominant than all of those other films I have mentioned, though?


How is The Silence of the Lambs more horror dominant than all of those other films I have mentioned, though?

It's not.

I think you may need to read my posts again - I was agreeing with you.


Sorry about that, lol!

But yeah, I have no problem with people who think The Silence of the Lambs is a horror movie. The problem is that you can pretty much say the same for most psychological thrillers as well. Yet, The Silence of the Lambs seems to be the only psychological thriller that a lot of people consider it a horror movie. Which I don't understand, because there's a lot of psychological thrillers that are more horrifying than The Silence of the Lambs. Like Manhunter, Se7en, Zodiac, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, etc. I don't know? Maybe people consider The Silence of the Lambs more of a horror film because Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of Hannibal Lecter comes off as a movie monster, rather than your typical average serial killer.
