MovieChat Forums > Robot Jox (1990) Discussion > Giant robot movies, an underused genre

Giant robot movies, an underused genre

we have Robot Jox. Then the aweful Charles Band productions Robot Wars and Crash and Burn.

If you leave anime out of it and just stick with live action, there really isn't much is there?

I think the world needs more giant robot movies.


"Truer words were never spoken crusader"

mmmm...unexplained bacon...<drool>...


i think if they made a movie based on the Battletech series it would be so kickass! maybe the way of the clans/ jade falcon that would be soooo cool


yea i agree,the battletech universe would be amazing on the big screen,just watch the intros for all the mech-warrior games for a good example. another good source for HEAVY METAL MAYHEM would be dream pod 9's heavy gear universe.


Well, there's Gunhed. Does that one count?


and the gundam live action movie, and in near future also Evangelion Live action, if all goes well!


transformers movie 2007


I cant wait for Evangelion, it will be amazing, the special effects are been done by the guys that did LOTR.




James Cameron (I think) plans to adapt some anime series called Battle Angel at some point in the next couple of years. Also Michael Bay's Transformers is on the way too.

Patience heaintheavy...Hollywood is slowly realising what we all knew years ago...giant robots kick ass and that's that!!



strange, but i remember every kid in las vegas seeing this movie, so it was pretty big here, but then, we're all assumed to live in hotels, so i guess that makes us weird

Programmer #A-5 of


Matrix films had some cool mechs in them. Although.. I'm still thinking a Macross movie would kick ass. I want to see the Valkyre on the big screen.


Robot Jox is one of the most underrated films ever. so.... sad.... <sob>....


I agree, though it could definitely benefit from a little polish; a few matte-lines thinned out here, some film-grain cleaned up there... MGM went to such pains to buy the film off the original production team, the least they could have done is gone the extra mile to clean up the film or give us a couple special features.

Heck, I'd settle for a commentary from Stuart Gordon.
