Robot Jox 3 ????

Hey help me with that. I also remember Robot Jox from chilhood. And I remember three movies. The first one was Robot Jox ( I remembred the title a while ago while searching for it on the net) the second was a "Robot movie with a giant Scorpion robot" that was Robot Jox 2 in europe. BUT there was a third movie. And I had it in my mind as a robot Jox sequel, i do remember it has a Robot Jox writed on it's cover cause I telled my mom to rent "another robot movie":). The movie started as some guy drove a chopper thrue a desert, he reached some kind of base and there were giant robot scraps around it. The whole movie was a bad horror where a bunch of people were trying to kill a cyborg that was hiding amongs them and killing them for uknown reason.
I remember there was some talk about great Robot wars long ago. And the only reference to Robot Jox was that when they killed the cyborg, they used an old giant robot. I remember being very dissapointed after seeing that becouse i ecspected something like the first two movies, and also a bit confused cause the movie was a bit brutal and my young fragile mind couldn't take it:). I'm sure that this was also a Robot Jox movie. Anybody knows anythinf about that??

ps. Another scene that i remember is that this mean cyborg pulled a fat guys arm out, the arm was already hurt from some accident.


What u're thinking of wasn't part of the Robot Jox series but was made by Charles's called Crash & Burn, and Bill (Otis from House of 1000 corpses/Devil's Rejects) was the cyborg in it.


the second was a "Robot movie with a giant Scorpion robot" that was Robot Jox 2 in europe.

You're thinking of the 1994 movie ROBOT WARS, another Charles Band production that he promoted as an unofficial sequel to Robot Jox. Despite some simularities, the film CRASH AND BURN has nothing to do with the 'Jox' series.

See here:

BUT there was a third movie.

The 1996 film ROBO WARRIORS, where the robots are rebuilt to battle alien invaders.

See here:

Spread The Fear,
Toyland Chairman


Hi all, Dicnar is right, this movie with a remnants of a giant Robot was titled Robot Jox2 for sure. There was a group of people in some abadonned place fighting for survival, thats all I remember. Official Robot Jox2 which is Robot Wars was another movie which I haven't seen yet.


Come on please help, maybe someone remembers it. Ive posted a message also in "The Outpost" aka The Hills Have Eyes 3 movieboard because as Ive read the plot it looks pretty similar.


KrowbOy already answered correctly. It's called "Crash and Burn". Also made by Charles Band's production company, it really has no relation to "Robot Jox", outside of that brief minute or two of similar robot action at the end of "Crash and Burn".


Yeah, it's definitely Crash & Burn. It had almost exactly the same video cover as Robot Jox, even down to the writing. I remember being disappointed too, because the robot is only in it for a couple of minutes at the end and the rest of the film totally sucked. "The Outpost" is similar to C&B, but without a giant robot.


Problems solved, thanks.


In some European markets, this movie is officially called Robot Jox 2:
Crash and Burn - here's the VHS cover -

It's interesting that Charles band directed the movie (he was Robot
Jox' producer) and Robot Jox theme plays in the opening sequence
of the movie.

at least in Europe, its an official sequel to Robot Jox, as i showed you the photo proof above


Exactly, I remember those posters from our local videostore.


Ahhh, the local videostore. Sudden wave of nostalgia.

Lets take a moment to remember it... the gaudy posters, the musty smell, the wall to wall straight to video B movies inevitably starring Christopher Lambert, rent a "top title", get a rubbish one free, wondering if you looked old enough to rent a "15" yet, jumpers for goalposts. Robot Jox, Fortress, and House 2: The Second Story.

What a load of old *beep*
