MovieChat Forums > Robot Jox (1990) Discussion > Nine Inch Nails scream sample

Nine Inch Nails scream sample

Fun fact : This movie is where the looped screaming sample in the NIN song "The Becoming" (Track 7 on The Downward Spiral) comes from. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet, so I'll just say it follows the first robot battle in a scene that involves a crowd of people screaming in terror and agony. So if you like nine inch nails you might want to check this movie out sometime.


It's such a recognizable clip too -- I was watching a clip of Robot Jox on YouTube just now, and heard a scream, and thought "hey that's exactly the same scream from the NIN track." Spooky sounding.


YES! Its pretty distinctive. Same as THX and Mr. Self Destruct. I know there is a reason why I like NIN. Because he samples audio from cool sci-fi movies I watched as a kid. Does anyone know any other movies he sampled from?


^^ theres a clip from oliver stone's 'midnight express' during sanctified. it's very faint. i think around 2.5 min in..

"Dear Mom and Dad, this is the hardest letter I've ever had to write. I'd hoped somehow to get out of this quickly so that you'd never have to know about it, but that just isn't possible now. I don't know what's going to happen, but what can I say to you? Will 'I'm sorry' make a difference? Will it ease the pain? The shame you must be feeling? Forgive me. Please."
