MovieChat Forums > Robot Jox (1990) Discussion > stupidest ending ever

stupidest ending ever

The ending sucked, oh, ah-hem, "spoilers" there

So after that A-hole Alexander killed all his freinds and almost beat the lady he likes to death he decides to hold out his fist to him and say, lets just call this whole thing off. I understand its a message about how we shouldn't kill eachother just because, but I'm pretty sure he should have killed that guy just because. And what the hell was with Ann-Marie Johnson getting her ass kicked after the entire movie was spent showing what a bad ass she was. And the mighty man Achiles has to rescue the perty damsel. Psst. Oh he forgives her for cruching his nuts. psst. shes still pretty to him, aw give us a kissy wissy. psst.


I fail to see how this beats out War of the Worlds in bad endings, but yep... the ending is about as bad as the movie... You have to appreciate its badness (see "Troll 2" for the ultimate following with respect to appreciation for bad movies).

To your first point, I think I would've killed the bastard... but they want to show you how merciful Achiles is and what a good person... they just did it REALLY POORLY! Still an ending that made me laugh. I literally spoke the words, "where the hell did that come from?"

To your second point, they wanted you to see how great Achiles was... he beat Alexander, who just beat the best person out of the whole training crew.

To your last point (the kissy wissy), LOL!

Nonetheless, you may want to add "SPOILER" in your title so that others don't get the movie ruined by your post.


What the hells to "Spoil". You said yourself it sucked, but all well. I pretty much thought the movie was okay, just the ending sucked. I guess I'll be considerate and put it in. It was just pathetic at the end. I'm surprised they found a woman to take the role. She was SOOO pathetic, lying there bloody. If I did the movie, I would have made it to where the ending was reversed and Achilles had to go through all the trouble to get his second shot at Alexander and keep Athena safe. But all well.


I think its a given that a thread about the ending of a movie is going to have spoilers in it. I doubt anyone who planned to watch Robor Jox and didn't want it spoiled for them, god have mercy on their soul, is going to click on a thread called 'Stupidest ending ever'.

Yes, it was a stupid ending with the bloodthirsty Alexander, who was shown as going out his way to kill his opponents even when he didn't have to, suddenly showing mercy... just because.


Maybe it was propoganda or whatever. These two fighting is really America versus the Soviet Union, but in the end they can actually stop the fighting and make peace.


Yeah, that would have worked better if Alexander wasn't a homicidal maniac. I mean, if they portrayed him as a honorable foe, like the Red Baron or something, the ending would have made sense.


These two fighting is really America versus the Soviet Union, but in the end they can actually stop the fighting and make peace.

Because that's what EVERY movie in the 80s was about!

Rocky IV, 2010: The year we make contact, Godzilla 1985, Red Dawn, White Knights, Moscow on the Hudson, etc.

I do miss the 80s, though! God, I saw most of those films above in a theater! hahaha...

"...For every man who has ever lived, in this universe, there shines a star."
-Arthur C. Clarke


Well, what else do you do, if nothing else works? Right: try to get along! )))
