Henry and Sarah's "friends" and coworkers in this film have to be some of the most condescending, patronizing characters ever.


The partner remarks how "good" it was of his boss to let him come back to work, and his boss responds that "well, we're only human."

The *beep* coworker talks to him like he has alzheimers, giving his name loudly and slowly and getting in his face.

The fake smile his old fart boss keeps plastered on his face at all times.

The worst is the scene at the housewarming party, when they catch their "friends" calling him an imbecile, etc. It is so over the top--they all have that rich person laugh where they throw their heads back slightly at their own supposed cleverness. UGH! It's amazing to realize that the extent of their feeling about the tragic situation is how distasteful it is. Perhaps over-acted, but sadly I've met people almost that bad.

Oh, and I love that Sarah's friend's suggestion for dealing with her brain-damaged husband and dire financial situation is to spend more money indiscriminately, and then rubs her own impulse purchase of a palatial townhouse in her face.

It's almost as if Regarding Henry is In the Company of Men's hokier cousin.

"I guess I started smoking when I was about...four."


I agree, and you're right, there are people in the real world who are just as snooty and superficial as her "friends"...BUT, the "old fart" boss wasn't one of them. I think he truly cared about Henry, especially since he talks about having known his father. He was just sickened that the legal mind that he had so much admiration for was erased. In real life, no high powered powered law firm would allow a guy to come back after an accident that left him completely incompetent to practice law.


Unfortunately some of those reactions are very accurate.

Years ago, a coworker suffered a stroke delivering her baby. She recovered about 75% of her mental function and could certainly do her job. I was appalled buy the number of people who did some of the above mentioned things. Talking to her like she was a 5 year old, speaking slowly, speaking loudly, explaining things to her like she was a moron. It was awful to watch.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the average person. Sometimes not stupidity because most of us don't really know what to say or how to act. I am partially disabled and I'm get treated strangely sometimes. I'm learning to shrug it off.


I used to work for lawyers for about 8 years, and there was nothing in this movie that surprised me. Yes, I met some great people who were honest, friendly, hard-working and reliable. But I also met some of the arrogant ones out of this movie. That's life I guess, you're going to run into it no matter where you go.


Meh, any movie that kicks up the heat on lawyers and rich snobs is my kind of movie, because, I know this is a generalization, but all lawyers are big a$$holes and I hate rich snobs too.



What I liked about the movie was how it fought against pity; when Henry's coworkers are talking about him in that scene where he and his wife overhears, and say what it shame it is and what a good worker he used to be, we know that Henry is doing fine and making progress. It promotes sympathy but denounces pity.


I know. I have a cousin this happened to. After he had a bad car wreck. He had to go through a situation similiar to Harrison Ford in the movie. He was kind of a a$$ and jerk before too. But after, he was so gentle. Some people were idiots about him too.


the we are only human line made me laugh.


The 'new' Henry scared them, I believe.

He is denied access to his old files so he won't expose the facts, as now he wants to do the right thing (which would sink the firm).

The so-called 'normal' people condescend to Henry because deep down they know he's become a better person, contrasting their superficiality. Their friends' true colours come out as they react to the very different character who replaced the ruthless creep - the one who made them so much money.

Awwwww ... sorry Henry ruined your fancy lunch, Dudes!


The OP is forgetting what industry Henry was from, defence lawyers are scum at the best of times.

One of my cousins is a defence lawyer and she's practically a vulcan, she has learned to stimy her emotions, if she didn't then I'm pretty sure she would cut her wrists. Makes *beep* good money though making old people homeless and cancer sufferers penniless.

I think you know what I'm gettin' at Mr. President. We're gonna kill us a mummy.


so contrived.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


My favorite Harrison Ford film.

They're a religion, Jim. They have no logic.


really? what did you like about it?

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


Actually behind Blade Runner.

I don't know, just his transformation, daughter teaching him to read again. Sappy, sure.

They're a religion, Jim. They have no logic.


that's cool.

yep. blade runner is a classic.

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


The *beep* coworker talks to him like he has Alzheimer's, giving his name loudly and slowly and getting in his face.

To be fair, the co-worker showing Henry around did say the young guy was an a-hole.

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"


That's true, I've seen this movie again a couple times since I originally posted this 8 years ago (holy crap I feel old) and I found myself attributing some of the friends/coworkers' actions to discomfort and anxiety rather than selfish condescension. But those people at the party -- Jesus Christ.
