MovieChat Forums > Regarding Henry (1991) Discussion > I guess in order to become a good man...

I guess in order to become a good man...

you have to be shot in the head.
At least that is what is implied here.

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


I don't think that's what is implied.
In Henry's case, he was such a hyper type-A alpha male that being shot in the head tempered his personality - and in the process of relearning what it means to be a person, and how to conduct himself, he became much more patient, loving, and tolerant. He began to value the love and respect of his family more, and to value material things less.
In Brad's case, having his knees injured and having the door close on his football career opened other doors that turned out to be more rewarding than he could have imagined.
For me, the message of the movie is that overcoming adversity can lead to a greater and more rewarding life. Put another way, by a famous philosopher (Friedrich Nietzsche): If it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger.
It is NOT that you have to be shot in the head to become a good man. I actually found it believable, and since this movie was made, we've witnessed the tragedy of Gabby Giffords head injury, and her subsequent recovery. Not that I know her personally, but her example reminds me of the movie. It makes me think that what happened to Henry can and does happen in life.


I know I was attempting to use humour to get my point across. Indeed it is a very believable film. I do find it sad however, that he as a 'regular guy' wasn't really a nice person deep down despite the fact that he led a successful life. He had to get shot in the head in order to become a really nice human being.

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


I must have missed the humor - sorry. It does seem obvious now.
As far as:

I do find it sad however, that he as a 'regular guy' wasn't really a nice person deep down despite the fact that he led a successful life. He had to get shot in the head in order to become a really nice human being.

I think that most of us are both good and bad, nice and mean, patient and hyper, etc etc - at the same time. What comes out at any particular moment depends on the circumstances and on our mood at the moment. After awhile we can lose our way - become more or less fixated on a certain way of being - like the Henry before the incident where he was shot. You can see this when he starts to apologize to his daughter for being stern with her, and ends up reinforcing his sterness and why he was justified. Haven't we all seen this - or done it ourselves? The injury took him back to how he was before he became fixed in his ways as a hyperpowerful attourney. Same person - just a different facet of him.
A remarkable movie really.
One does wonder what he did with his life after deciding that being a lawyer wasn't "him" anymore. Maybe he became an OT like Bradley.


No problem!

I agree. This movie has been around for ages and just happened to notice it was on Netflix and was surprised at how good it is. If nothing else, it should teach everyone to be more patient and kind and appreciative of those we are living our lives with and that money, while nice to have, is not the end all, be all to living a happy and fulfilling life!

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


Or you could start off as a good man/woman.


Yeah that would be great but that wouldn't have served much of a purpose for this particular film!

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


LOL. No, but I was addressing your OP which seemed to suggest that the only way to be a good man was to get shot in the head.

It would be nice to see a film where the main character is simply a good guy from the distribution though, wouldn't it?


Oh, lol I misunderstood you.
Yes it would be nice to see a film like that!

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


Okay, let's test it out. Line up all the lawyers in NY and shoot them in the head!

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live


Typical Hollywood slant. Definite improvement in their eyes. He went from a conservative to a liberal.


Actually we choose what we are. We choose every day what to do and what not to do whether we have to fight our natural urges to do so or not.

He was the man he was based on 10,000 little choices he had made throughout his life. This event just hit the restart button and allowed him the chance to make different choices the second time around.

Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?
